how to change course available in blackboard

by Ms. Adeline Hackett Jr. 4 min read

Changing a User's Course Availability, Part 1

  • Locate the user whose availability you wish to change, hover over the username and click on the chevron that appears.
  • Click on Change User's Availability in Course to change the user's availability.

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

Full Answer

What does it mean when a Blackboard course is not available?

Open a course card's menu to change your course availability. You can also change your course's status on the Course Content page. You can make your course private while you add or experiment with content, and then open it to students when you're ready.

How do I hide a course from students in Blackboard?

Jul 11, 2018 · Changing a User's Course Availability, Part 1 Locate the user whose availability you wish to change, hover over the username and click on the chevron that appears. Click on Change User's Availability in Course to change the user's availability.

How do I change the availability of my course?

Set course availability. You can set your course availability in the Control Panel. Control Panel > Customization > Properties > Set Availability. In the Set Availability section, select Yes or No. Use Term Availability only appears if your administrator added your course to a term.

How do I make a course available/unavailable?

Dec 14, 2020 · In Brightspace Active = Available in Blackboard. To make the course unavailable uncheck the active checkbox.


Changing a User's Course Availability, Part 1

Zoom: Image of the User List in Blackboard with the following annotations: 1.Locate the user whose availability you wish to change, hover over the username and click on the chevron that appears.2.Click on Change User's Availability in Course to change the user's availability.

Changing a User's Course Availability, Part 2

Zoom: Image the Change User's Availability in Course screen. Under Role and Availability, Available (this course only) select the desired availability status from the menu. When finished, click the Submit button to update the user's role.

Standardize Automatic Opening of Courses

With a new LMS comes change. Not just a new system to learn but some new standards as well. With all the changes involved in the university’s move from colleges to schools, we need to standardize ways of doing things across all academic programs. One of these changes is to standardize the automatic opening of courses.

Instructors Can Override Course Opening Dates

What if that timing does not work for you? Let’s say you are putting some finishing touches on your course and don’t want students confused by the last-minute changes? We have you covered. Instructors have the option to override the course opening dates and availability of courses.

When does Blackboard end at USC?

Student access to summer semester courses ends on October 1. Student access to fall semester courses ends on February 1.

Does Blackboard automatically create a course?

All Blackboard courses are automatically hidden from students. If the name of your course is followed by the words “NOT AVAILABLE”, that course exists on Blackboard but is currently hidden from the students.

Changing a Course Site's Availability

Zoom: Image of Set Availability, with text pointing to Make Course Available reading Select the desired availability setting.

Changing the Course Duration

You will now see a screen labeled Properties. To change the course duration, go to the section labeled Set Course Duration:
