blackboard post inside thread

by Flossie Bartoletti 6 min read

How do I create a discussion board thread?

May 04, 2021 · On the Create Thread page, enter a Subject name. Enter an optional Message. Blackboard provides two methods of attaching files. Select Grade Thread, if desired and enter Points Possible. Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit. 6. Discussion Boards – Blackboard Student Support.

How do I view threads in my institution's Forum?

Jan 03, 2022 · On the Create Thread page, enter a Subject name. Enter an optional Message. If desired, format the message using the Text Editor. Blackboard provides two methods of attaching files. Select Grade Thread, if desired and enter Points Possible. Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit. 6.

How do I view all unread posts in a thread?

Jan 31, 2021 · To Start a Thread: If not already selected, select the Discussion Board you wish to modify. Click on the title of the forum you want to add a thread to. Click the Create Thread button. . Enter the title of the message in the subject field. Enter conversation text in the message field.

How do I navigate between threads in the Forum?

Jan 30, 2021 · If another student has an answer to the question you have posed, they would "post" inside your thread, to discuss … 3. Blackboard Help for Students (Discussion Board)


How do I post under a thread on blackboard?

On the Action Bar, click Create Thread.On the Create Thread page, enter a Subject name.Enter an optional Message. ... Blackboard provides two methods of attaching files. ... Select Grade Thread, if desired and enter Points Possible.Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit.

How do I post a Discussion Board thread?

Start a Thread in a Discussion BoardOpen Blackboard and navigate to a course with a discussion board.Click the Discussion Board link from the navigation menu.Click the link for the forum you want to start a new thread in.Click Create Thread. ... Enter a Subject and Message for your thread.

What are the other ways in creating discussion thread?

Create a discussion threadOn the navbar, click Discussions.Click the topic where you want to create a thread.Click Start a New Thread.Enter a subject.Enter your post.Set any of the following posting options: To keep the thread at the top of the list, select Pin Thread. ... Click Post.

What is collapse post in Blackboard?

Select Collapse to minimize a post and increase the vertical screen space. If your instructor enabled the rate posts feature in a forum's settings, Overall Rating displays the average rating for a post. When you point to the rating area, it changes to show Your Rating.

How do you post a discussion on blackboard?

Create a discussionIn your course, select the Discussions icon on the navigation bar.Select the plus sign in the upper-right corner to open the menu. ... In the menu, select Add Discussion. ... On the New Discussion page, type a meaningful title. ... Get the discussion started with a question, idea, or response. ... Select Save.

How do you write a discussion post?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]Do your homework. ... Read prompts carefully. ... Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective. ... Be relevant. ... Bring something unique to the post. ... Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post. ... Leave participants wanting more.May 27, 2021

How do you start a discussion post?

How should I include in my first post?Answer the question. Do this first if possible. ... Give evidence. Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point.Explain the connection.Oct 16, 2020

Can you delete a discussion thread on Blackboard as a student?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

Can I delete a thread on blackboard?

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

Can blackboard teachers see drafts?

7. If you are ready to submit your Assignment for grading, click Submit. Note: If you choose to Save as Draft, your instructor will not be able to see your submission until you Submit the assignment.