how to access kaltura on fsu blackboard

by Velda Hoeger 6 min read

How do I use Kaltura in Blackboard Learn?

Jun 23, 2021 · How to access My Media for Kaltura. Under the Canvas Help menu, select the Instructors: My Media (Kaltura) or Students: My Media (Kaltura) option that matches your primary role in FSU's Canvas: If you get an "Access Denied" message, it means you are not enrolled in the course whose link you clicked on. If you are a student, simply register for the Student …

How do I add Kaltura media to my course?

Installing Personal Capture from My Media. Navigate to your My Media page in Canvas. On your My Media page, click the Add New button in the upper right and then select Kaltura Personal Capture. This takes you to the Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder screen. Under …

Why is my Kaltura analytics not accurate?

To access Kaltura via Blackboard: Login to Blackboard. In the main left-hand navigation, click Tools. On the Tools page, click Kaltura My Media. This page will display all media you have created or uploaded to Kaltura.

How do I add Kaltura personal capture to my account?

Jul 21, 2021 · In a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder, select Build Content to access the menu. Under Mashups choose Kaltura Media. Choose from the four options: My Media, Media Gallery, Shared Repository, and Media Gallery Playlists to add content you have already uploaded to the Kaltura MediaSpace.


How do I access my media Kaltura?

To access your My Media, click on the Tools link in the Global Navigation menu. This will bring you to the Tools area. Select Kaltura My Media. If prompted to allow Kaltura authorization, click Allow.Jan 4, 2022

How do I activate Kaltura?

Authorize Kaltura from the Canvas Help menuGo to the Help menu at the bottom of the global navigation menu. From the help pullout menu select the Instructors: My Media (Kaltura) option.Click the garnet Authorize button to authorize your account.Oct 1, 2018

How can students use Kaltura?

Option 1: If uploading a video:Select Upload Media or Record from Webcam.Select the Upload tab.Browse for and upload your file.Wait for upload.Select Next.Select Upload Media or Record from Webcam.Select the Webcam tab.Select Allow (see below).More items...

Why does my Kaltura video Say Access Denied?

Some "access denied" messages are the result of a so-called "stale login." (That is, your Kaltura and/or Canvas credentials have expired behind the scenes.) Log out of Canvas, log back in, and try to access the video-related page(s) again.Sep 23, 2021

How do I access Kaltura on canvas?

In the course navigation menu of your Canvas course, click Kaltura: Media Gallery. Note: If Kaltura: Media Gallery is not available in the course navigation menu, an instructor will need to add it via Settings > Navigation.

How do I access Kaltura videos?

Navigate to… \AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\Recordings. If you're not sure of your username you can double click your hard drive to open and browse it and then double click on the Users folder to see what user folders are available.Jun 2, 2020

Where do I find Kaltura on blackboard?

Accessing Kaltura Media There are many ways to access Kaltura within your Blackboard courses, but you can always view the video content associated with your account by clicking the My Media button that appears within the 'Tools' section of Blackboard's main navigation menu.

How do I use Kaltura media in Blackboard?

Upload media to Blackboard LearnIn the Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder click Manage then the Library tab.Click the name of your video.Enter your title, description, and any useful tags for your media. ... Click on Save and Upload to begin uploading to the website.More items...•Nov 1, 2021

How do I download Kaltura video from Blackboard?

Kaltura: Downloading a VideoLogin to Blackboard.Click on Tools on the left.Click on Kaltura My Media.Click on the edit button, which looks like a small pencil next to your video.Click on Downloads.Click on the checkbox next to Source, and click Save.Click on Go To Media.Click on Download.More items...•Dec 26, 2020

Why do websites keep saying access denied?

The “Access Denied” error appears when your browser uses different proxy settings or VPN instead of what's really set on your Windows 10 PC. Thus, when a website detects that there is something wrong with your browser cookies or your network, it blocks you and this is why you can't open it.

What does Access Denied mean on canvas?

Most often, "access denied" messages mean that the item is not published, or the link is pointing to an item that is actually in a different class (that the student is not enrolled in).Sep 19, 2019

Where is my media on Brightspace?

The Media Gallery tab should be located on the navigation bar within your course. When viewing videos in Brightspace, a software tool called Kaltura is used.

What is Kaltura My Media?

Kaltura’s My Media is a private, personal library of media created or uploaded by the user. The My Media area allows instructors to manage (add, create, delete, edit, and publish) their media from one location.

Does have live captioning?

While third party speech-to-text products, such as, exist for live-captioning, ITS recommends that professional captioning be used whenever an accommodation is requested or whenever our policy requires that an event has live captioning.

What is machine captioning?

This process uses automatic machine generated transcription (ASR) that recognizes the words spoken in your video and provides machine-based captions with 75-85% accuracy .

Does Kaltura have 360 navigation?

Kaltura allows 360 navigation on media, however, this is not automatic and requires tagging the entry as the player will only enable 360 navigation on entries that are tagged "360".

Does Kaltura Express capture require a computer?

Unlike Kaltura Personal Capture and Lecture Capture (coming soon), Express Capture does not require the installation of any software on your computer. You can access Kaltura Express Capture via Kaltura MediaSpace or via Blackboard.

Can you add media to a course?

You can add media (e.g. video responses, lecture videos, video assignments) directly to any course content area. This includes media you add or capture in real-time or media you added via the Media Gallery or web interface previously.

Does Kaltura capture require additional permissions?

As macOS increases its privacy and security settings for Apple's operating systems, running Kaltura Capture on macOS may require enabling additional permissions. Please use the instructions in the link below if you are seeing errors while trying to record using Kaltura Personal Capture on macOS.
