how not to write discussion post on blackboard

by Elwyn Smitham 6 min read

How to create a discussion board on Blackboard?

May 21, 2021 · Blackboard (Students) – Discussion Boards: Best Practices for … Be mindful of course deadlines for original posts and replies. … This not only grabs the attention of your classmates and instructor, … Is your writing clear? 7. Using a Blackboard Discussion Forum – eLearning Support … Using a Blackboard Discussion Forum

How do I print discussion board content from Blackboard?

Dec 12, 2021 · Using a Blackboard Discussion Forum. 1. Access your course and find the link the instructor has placed to the discussion area in the course menu. If such a link does not exist then click on …. 8. Creating a Discussion Forum · Blackboard Help for Faculty.

How to put your course on Blackboard?

Open the Discussion Board. Find the discussion board in two places: On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board.

How to make your course available on Blackboard?

Post a response first. Your instructor may require you to respond to a discussion before you can read other responses and replies. When you "post first," you aren't influenced by your classmates' responses. When you open this type of discussion, a message appears: Post a response to see discussion activity. You can't view discussion activity yet.


How do I hide a discussion post on Blackboard?

Click the Thread Actions drop-down menu and choose a new status for the selected thread or threads. The new discussion thread status will appear in the Status column....Modifying the Availability of Discussion Board Threads.Goal for ThreadStatusHide the thread from immediate view, but still allow users the option of reading the threads.Select Hide4 more rows

Can a student delete a discussion post on Blackboard?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

How do I turn on Edit mode in Blackboard?

How do I use this?Open Blackboard and choose the course you want to work with.Click the Edit Mode button, on the top right of the screen, to toggle Edit Mode On or Off.Oct 22, 2018

How do I edit my discussion board on Blackboard?

Edit a forumOn the Discussion Board page, open a forum's menu and select Edit.On the Edit Forum page, change the forum's name, description, availability, or settings.Select Submit.

What does collapse all mean on blackboard?

Select Collapse to minimize a post and increase the vertical screen space. If your instructor enabled the rate posts feature in a forum's settings, Overall Rating displays the average rating for a post. When you point to the rating area, it changes to show Your Rating.

Can I edit a discussion post in Blackboard?

Editing and deleting discussion posts You cannot edit or delete others' posts. If you post a message in error and the option to delete it is not available to you, contact your instructor. On the Thread Detail page, click the title of one of your own posts.

Should Edit mode be on or off in Blackboard?

When Edit Mode is ON, you see all the course content and the editing controls for each item. Edit Mode OFF hides the editing controls but still displays any content that would normally be hidden from a student. Also, it doesn't enable you to see student-only content, such as My Grades.

What is Edit mode?

Alternatively referred to as edit, edit mode is a feature within software that allows the modification of files. A good example of a program with edit mode is MS-DOS Editor.Aug 16, 2021

Can you delete a discussion post on canvas?

f your instructor allows, you can edit and delete your own Discussion posts. If the edit or delete option does not appear, your instructor has restricted this setting in your course. Each of your posts have a settings icon with edit and delete options. Click the Settings icon on the post you want to modify.

Accessing the Forums

Log into Blackboard at with your UARK email and password.

To View Your Graded Points

Click the Grading Information button at the top of the Discussion Forum or select My Grades on the left menu bar.

What is a discussion post?

The discussion post is the understanding of the student on the subject topic. With multiple discussion posts on the discussion board, students need to know how to respond to a discussion post to make a meaningful conversation. Like discussion posts, students should be mindful of the discussion post responses they put up on the discussion board.

How to disagree with a post?

You should first acknowledge the fact that the student has an opinion which you do not agree with at the moment. You should then proceed to give reasons why you disagree with their post. Avoid the use of language that gives the impression that you are attacking the other student, or that shows the post has affected you emotionally. Your post to show respectful disagreement uses the words “No, because”. No indicates that you disagree with the post. You should then give the reason for disagreeing after the ‘because’.

What does it mean when a student is a participant in an online discussion?

Every student taking the course is a participant in the online discussion. That means that there will be many discussion posts to read and respond to. Lengthy discussion posts are tiring and may discourage other participants from reading the entire discussion post.

What is peer review in discussion boards?

Peer review is one of the capabilities of a discussion board. Besides starting a thread and including a discussion post, students can review and reply to other student’s work. The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. Rating posts is helpful as students then focus on posting helpful and relevant information in the discussion post. You need to enable discussion participants to rate your discussion post. The option is in the forum settings of the discussion board.

How to access online courses?

In an online course, you can access an online course from the discussions page or content page. The discussion page displays all the discussions in the course. Choose a particular discussion and be part of. You will also view the new replies and discussions to see the new changes since when you visited the discussion page. You can as well format the text using the format options in the text editor. You can also view the participants who are available at the time you are posting your discussion.

Do you need citations for discussion posts?

Citations are necessary when putting up your discussion posts. Students will look at the citations before asking any more questions about your post. That means you will have less explanations to make.

Is online discussion a chat?

An online discussion is not equivalent to an online chat with a friend. Just as the instructor requires you to use professional language when holding a discussion in class, online discussion posts should also use professional language. Students should refrain from using chat acronym, emoticons, and slang.

What is discussion board?

An online discussion board is a space for you, your peers, and your instructor to exchange information. You must, therefore, be well-equipped to write Discussion Board Responses Examples to share your ideas with your classmates. The tips mentioned above can help you to create more meaningful conversations. Above all, always remember to post your conversations on time.

What is the instructor in charge of a discussion post?

The instructor in charge of your discussion post usually outlines the expectations of using the forum in the syllabus. It’s vital that you read all of the rules laid out with regard to your posts before posting any conversation. For instance, your instructor may require you to use a specific writing format or stay within a specific word count. These are just some of the few instructions that you must adhere to if you don’t want to end up losing points unnecessarily.

How to know what your instructor wants you to respond to?

Spending an hour to carefully read and understand the prompt also helps a great deal. This way, you will know the purpose of the discussion and what your instructor wants you to respond to. Additionally, you will know the particulars of the discussion, such as the word limit and the formatting style. You get to know how your instructor will assess your paper. Your course materials are what will guide you through all of this.

Should I post my discussion threads before the deadline?

As with all other assignments, it’s always important that you post your discussion threads before the deadline. Don’t be one of those students who post their conversations at the last minute. The chances are that your paper won’t likely be well-researched and thought out. Remember, your instructor will only award you points if he believes that you put effort into your contributions. Therefore, posting your conversations at the last minute may only end up hurting your final grade.

Should I post only relevant content?

Inasmuch as it’s advisable that you contribute to the conversation, you must also remember to post only relevant content. This may be an online discussion forum, but it’s still academic-based. So, try to be as formal and respectful as possible when posting your conversations. Above all else, ensure that all your posts are relevant to the topic being discussed.

Is it normal to get confused at some point?

That’s really quite normal. However, not everyone will reach out to the instructor or other members of the discussion for clarification. This can hinder your learning process significantly. Instructors always encourage their students to ask questions. Ensure, therefore, that you don’t let any issues pass if you aren’t entirely sure about how a member of the group arrived at the solution.
