how do i look at student use statistics in blackboard

by Prof. Mara Dare 6 min read

To view statistics reports for content items in Blackboard, you MUST enable statistics on each item by going to that item’s location in your course and enabling tracking under Statistics Tracking (On/Off) from the contextual menu. Statistics can be generated for individual items and external links in your course.

Accessing Statistics Reports
Log into your Blackboard course, locate the item you wish to run a report on and hover over the name of the item. Click the button that appears next to the item and choose View Statistics Report from the menu.
Dec 6, 2018

Full Answer

How can tutors track student activity on Blackboard?

Jan 04, 2021 · Select View Statistics Report. Click on the Action Link next to Content Usage Statistics and click Run. On the Run Reports page, select the desired Format, Users (if no users selected, will do class), Start Date, and End Date. Click Submit to run the report.

What is the summary of usage section in Blackboard Learn?

Run statistics reports. On the Administrator Panel, under Tool and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Statistics Reports. Select the report to run by selecting Run in the report's menu. The following reports are available: Course Activity Overview displays overall activity within a single course, sorted by student and date. Data includes the total and average time spent per …

How does the blackboard traffic report work?

How do you obtain the statistics? We base the statistics on sessions. A session begins when a user accesses the web site and ends when the user closes the browser. The statistics reflect all sessions for all users within the specified date range. We count only one visit or targeted visit per domain and only one view per page during each session.

How do I run a statistics report?

Dec 23, 2020 · View students' My Grades tool; Step 1. Select a course from your Course list where you are an instructor. Make sure Edit Mode is ON. Under the myMason menu, select the Student Preview icon. An account will be created, and you will be logged in as the Preview student.


How do I check my student usage on Blackboard?

Access Student Activity data from the Course Content page. Access an assessment's menu and select Student Activity. A panel with student activity information opens. You can't access Student Activity in an anonymously graded assessment's menu.

How do you check statistics tracking on Blackboard?

To enable Statistics Tracking, hover over the item you wish to view statistics for and click on the button that appears next to the link and click on Statistics Tracking (On/Off) in the menu.Dec 6, 2018

How do I run a statistics report in Blackboard?

On the Administrator Panel, under Tool and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Statistics Reports. Select the report to run by selecting Run in the report's menu.

Can Blackboard track student activities?

As we have noted earlier, Blackboard works with Respondus Monitor, which is a proctoring application, to monitor the web activities of a student. ... Only through it can a student access their online test. The Respondus Browser will monitor if you have opened other tabs and flag it as a suspicious activity.Feb 4, 2022

How do I track individual content items in Blackboard?

How to track usage of individual content items in BlackboardIdentify Item for which Tracking Information is Required. Find the content item in your course for which tracking information is required. ... Options. Select the format of the report you prefer, the default is PDF. ... Statistics Report. Click on Download Report.

Can professors see when you open a PDF on Blackboard?

It does not record how many times any file attachments to the item have been downloaded and opened. It will not tell you that a student has read the content of the item nor any attachments.Jan 27, 2021

How do I pull data from Blackboard?

Downloading ResultsSelect the delimter type (comma or tab). The recommended setting is Tab.Format Results: Select how to format the results download. The recommended settings is By User.Attempts to Download: Select which attempts to download. ... Click on Click to Download Results.Dec 22, 2018

Can professors see if you watch videos on Blackboard?

New features allow for video in Blackboard to be analyzed and assessed. An instructor can get detailed information about which students have watched, how long they watched, and how many times.

Does Blackboard track time?

Blackboard Course reports provide data covering course activity until the day before the report is run. They do not provide "real time" course activity data.

Can Blackboard detect cheating without respondus?

Yes, Blackboard can detect plagiarized content using SafeAssign plagiarism checker. However, Respondus LockDown Browser which is also called Respondus Monitor is required for remote proctoring. As a result, Blackboard can not detect cheating during tests without the LockDown Browser.

What can iLearn see?

Logs in iLearn provide a window into what items a student has interacted with, when the interaction happened, and what sort of action was taken. The data can be viewed by student, by date, or by activity.Feb 6, 2022

Can Blackboard detect screenshots?

In a normal assignment environment, Blackboard or Canvas cannot detect screen sharing or screenshots if a student is working on them using a normal browser. The system cannot detect what you do outside their current page. However, if proctored, Canvas can detect and prevent screen sharing or taking of screenshots.Sep 14, 2020

Step 1

Select a course from your Course list where you are an instructor. Make sure Edit Mode is ON. Under the myMason menu, select the Student Preview icon.

Step 2

To go back to your own account, choose Exit Preview on the orange student preview bar.
