how do i fetrieve my dicussion reaponse on blackboard

by Lottie Walsh 7 min read

Open the discussion's menu and select View analytics. You can view the entire discussion along with all responses and replies. Discussion analytics include average word count and responses, as well as top responses and participants.

Once you save your draft, you can get back to it by clicking in to the specific discussion board
discussion board
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. › wiki › Internet_forum
forum/topic you were working in and choosing Drafts Only from the Display drop-down function
(located on the top right side of the page directly above the listing of other published posts).

Full Answer

What are discussions in Blackboard Learn?

Oct 22, 2021 · Open a discussion board forum and select Create Thread. The Create Thread page opens and you can view the forum description as you write your response. Type a … 3. Threads | Blackboard Help. Open a discussion board forum and select Create Thread. The Create Thread page opens and …

How do I use the discussion board?

Sep 05, 2021 · If you are looking for how to recover a discussion on blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Restoring a deleted discussion forum, topic, thread, or post. ... The Blackboard Discussion tool works in a similar way. … Editing and Deleting Discussion Posts, How to edit and delete your discussion posts in Blackboard. ...

How do I delete a discussion in a course?

In your course, select the Discussions icon on the navigation bar. Select the plus sign in the upper-right corner to open the menu. If the plus sign doesn't appear, you aren't allowed to create discussions. In the menu, select Add Discussion. Your discussion appears at the top of the list.

How do discussions work in the ultra course view?

In Blackboard Learn, course members can have the thoughtful discussions that take place in the traditional classroom, but with the advantages of asynchronous communication. Participants don't need to be in the same location or time zone, and you can take the time to consider your responses carefully.


How do I recover a discussion post on Blackboard?

On the Discussions List page, click Restore from the More Actions button. Click Restore beside the forum or topic you want to restore. Click Yes …Sep 5, 2021

How do I see my discussion post on Blackboard?

On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

How do you find old discussions on blackboard?

Search discussions Go to the discussion board, a forum, or a thread and select Search. Type your search query, such as a word or phrase, in the Search box.

How do I edit my discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.Open a forum and select a thread.On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit.The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.Select Submit.

Can you delete a discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

Can you delete discussion posts on blackboard?

On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible. If you're allowed to delete your post with replies, all posts are permanently deleted.

How do I recover a discussion post on canvas?

How do I restore pages, discussions, etc. in Canvas?Navigate to your course homepage. Need help? ... In the url, type "/undelete" From your course homepage, navigate to the url link and type /undelete immediately after the website link. ... Choose the item you would like to restore. Then click Restore.Apr 19, 2018

How do I recover deleted forum posts?

If the post you restore is a reply to another post, and the other post was also deleted, both posts are restored....Restore a deleted forum or topic:On the Discussions List page, from the More Actions.Click Restore beside the forum or topic you want to restore.A confirmation message will display. Click Yes.

How do you download a discussion board on Blackboard?

How to Download Blackboard Discussion forum PostsNavigate to your course in Blackboard.Navigate to the main Discussion Boards page.Click on the name of the forum that you wish to save posts from.Use the checkboxes to select the threads you want to save the posts from. ... Then click the "Collect" button.More items...

How do you start a discussion reply?

There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because...” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but...” If you disagree with someone's post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it's different from your own.

How do I turn on Edit mode in Blackboard?

How do I use this?Open Blackboard and choose the course you want to work with.Click the Edit Mode button, on the top right of the screen, to toggle Edit Mode On or Off.Oct 22, 2018

How do you reply to a discussion board post?

Explain how someone's post helped you understand the material or made you rethink your own views. Offer an opinion and support it with examples from the text. Relate the information in the post to your course assignments and/or research projects. Challenge a statement in the post.

How to copy and paste on Mac?

You can also use key combinations to copy and paste: Windows: Ctrl + A to select all the text, Ctrl + C to copy, and Ctrl + V to paste. Mac: Command + A to select all the text, Command + C to copy, and Command + V to paste.

Can you paste text into text editor?

Or, before you add your text in the editor, you can paste it into an offline simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, and clear the formatting. Then, you can paste the text into the editor and format it as you want. More on the working in the editor.

Can you add text to a course?

While you add text to your course, you can protect against loss of work if an internet connection loss or software error occurs. You can type in an offline simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, and then copy and paste your work into your course.


Reply to A Discussion

  • In a course, select the Discussions icon on the navigation bar to access the discussions page. Select a discussion to join in. Some discussions may also appear on the Course Contentpage. When someone contributes to a discussion, an icon appears next to the item's title on the Course Contentpage. Each time you open a discussion, new responses and replies appear with "New" to …
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Find A Participant

  • You don't have to sift through all of the course discussions to find the one you need. You can filter by participant nameand see a list of contributions. You may see a user in the Participants list with your instructor's last name appended with _PreviewUser. Your instructor has added a preview user to review the course content from a student's perspective.
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Group Discussions

  • Your instructor may assign you to a group to help focus the discussion. The first time you're assigned to a group discussion, a message appears on the Course Content page to let you know. On the Course Content and Discussionspages, your group name is listed after the group discussion title. The name of your group appears when you open the discussion, along with the l…
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Save A Post as A Draft

  • If you're not quite ready to post, you can save your response or reply as a draft. Select Save Draft after you've typed content. Your draft shows in the discussion panel but is only visible to you. After your draft is saved, select Edit Draftto continue working. Your draft also appears in the participants menu.
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