how do i add my wake tech classes to blackboard

by Chelsea Schuppe 9 min read

Go to Wake Tech's Blackboard log-in page.
Click the Preview as Guest option. Click the Blackboard Orientation link in the Courses Quick View on the WTCC Blackboard Home page. New students must complete the eLearning Intro before enrolling in an online course.

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1. Log in to Self-Service with your Wake Tech username and password. 2. Click Go to Plan and Schedule. 3. Type the class subject and course number you want to add in the search box (Ex. BUS 121) 4. Click the drop down to View Available Sections for the course you are searching for. 5.


Which is the best method to organize course files Wake Tech?

Using folders or modules is recommended, as this structuring enables learners to readily access course material.

How much do Wake Tech professors make?

At Wake Tech, the starting salary for an instructor with a Ph. D. is about $42,000. The average salary is $46,000.Feb 7, 2014

How do you access the global navigation menu in Blackboard Wake Tech?

Another way to view your courses is through the Global Navigation Menu. To view, on the top-right of a Blackboard page, click the triangle next to your name to open the Global Navigation Menu. You will see the course right away under Courses.

How can I find out if the Web browser that I currently use is compatible with Blackboard quizlet?

On Wake Tech's Blackboard login page, you will find a link to Blackboard's Browser Compatibility Chart, which can be used to determine which Web browser will work best with your computer for Wake Tech's online courses.

How can I find out if the Web browser that I currently use is compatible with Blackboard Wake Tech?

Is your Web browser compatible with Blackboard? Go to Blackboard's Student & Faculty Resource Center to check Blackboard's browser compatibility chart.

How much does the president of Wake Tech make?

Highest Paid Employees#NamePay1Robert RallsPresident$345,0002Donna GreeneExecutive Vice President & Chief Operations Officer$195,4443Jeffrey CarterVice President of Facilities$179,0044Ryan SchwiebertVice President, Information Technology Services$179,0041 more row

Where is the global navigation menu?

What is the Global Navigation Menu? The Global Navigation Menu is located on the left of every page in Canvas. The links in the Global Navigation area provide quick access to all of your courses. The links that are available include Account, Dashboard, Courses, Groups, Calendar, Inbox, Commons, and Help.Oct 16, 2020

How do you access the Wake Tech student portal?

You can access directly by going to the web address You can access the student portal from the Wake Tech home page at On the top right-hand side of home page, click on the myWAKETECH link to go to the student portal.

Which browsers can access Blackboard courses?

Blackboard Learn supports these primary browsers:Firefox from Mozilla: Windows and Mac.Safari from Apple: Mac only.Microsoft Edge from Microsoft: Windows 10 only.

How do I activate my wake Tech email?

To activate your Office 365 email, login to the student portal, Your Wake Tech email address is the default email for your online courses. Instructors will only reply to official Wake Tech email messages.

How do you view your grades in Blackboard in all of your courses at one time?

You can see grades for all of your courses or one course at a time. To view grades for all of your courses, select the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner. In the menu, select My Grades. You can sort your grades by All Courses or Last Graded.

Is Internet Explorer supported by Blackboard?

3. Support for Internet Explorer ended with Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2018. Older releases may still work using this browser. Microsoft ended active development for Internet Explorer in January 2016.

Does Blackboard work with Firefox?

Recommended Browser We strongly recommend Blackboard students use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox for Windows or Mac because it is the most compatible with our current Blackboard systems.

Why can't I browse my computer on Blackboard?

Sometimes, this stored data can create problems for Blackboard users trying to login to the system. If you are experiencing “Session Already Running” errors or are unable to view certain web content, try clearing your Internet history and/or cache.

Why is Blackboard not working on Mac?

The problem occurs when you are using Safari on a Mac computer. You are able to login to myCommNet but when you click the link to Blackboard it requires an additional login. This is usually due to the browser not accepting cookies. You could workaround this by using a different browser such as Chrome.

What is the phone number for Wake Tech?

Advising Office: 919-866-5474 or [email protected], Registrar's Office: 919-866-5700 or [email protected]. If there is no red text, make sure that you have not selected both the 'Action for ALL Pref. Sections' option and an action for each individual preferred section. This will cause an error.

How to contact Blackboard Help?

If you are having problems with Blackboard or ELI, call the Blackboard help line, 919-866-7000, choose Option 1 for student assistance, then 1 again for BlackBoard related issues. If you need assistance with Moodle, contact your instructor first. If you need additional help, email [email protected].

What is the phone number to contact if you forgot your password?

If you forgot your security questions and need help getting past them, contact the IT Service Desk at 919-866-7000 during daytime business hours. I have a different question about my password. Contact the IT Service Desk at 919-866-7000 for assistance troubleshooting your password. Registering for Classes.
