hofstra blackboard?trackid=sp-006

by Ashleigh Padberg 10 min read

Temporary Identification Code

Don't have a device? No problem! Call us to get a temporary identification code 516-463-7777

Hardware Token

To authenticate using a hardware token, click the Enter a Passcode button. Press the button on your hardware token to generate a new passcode, type it into the space provided, and click submit.

Control Panel (Blackboard)

The Blackboard course Control Panel allows instructors to access all of the tools they need to manage a Blackboard site. It is located below the left-side course navigation menu under the Course Management heading. Use the buttons on the left in this knowledge base to learn more about the different parts of the Blackboard control panel.

Where can I get help?

Instructors looking for assistance with the Blackboard control panel should contact the Faculty Support Center.