fresno state blackboard phone number

by Kiera Moen 6 min read


How do I contact Fresno State?

Contact InformationStreet Address:​CSU Fresno 5241 North Maple Avenue Fresno, CA 93740​Main Telephone Numbers:559 278-2261 559 278-4812 (fax)

Does Fresno State use Blackboard or Canvas?

During academic year 2018-2019, both Blackboard Learn and Canvas will be available. Selected faculty will adopt Canvas in Fall 2018 with limited training and support. We look forward to feedback from these early adopters.Jun 28, 2019

Will Fresno State open in the fall 2021?

Fall 2021: Chancellor White has announced that he anticipates we will return to delivering courses primarily in-person starting with the FALL 2021 term.Dec 17, 2020

How do I log into my Canvas at Fresno State?

Please use the following instructions:Go to the My Fresno State portal.Once you are on the portal, click on the Sign In button.Enter your Fresno State e-mail username and password in the provided fields and click the Login button.More items...•Aug 31, 2020

How do I access immediate access Fresno State?

Immediate Access (IA) Update Eva can be reached at [email protected] or 278-4277. For the spring semester, we are working to include enhanced student messaging within Canvas to provide additional support/assistance to those enrolled in Immediate Access courses.

How do I access my UCI canvas?

Get Started with Canvas Accessing Canvas is easy. Navigate to: and log in with your UCInetID and password. Canvas on the Go: For your convenience, download the Canvas Student App on your iOS Devices or Android Device. Learn more about the Canvas mobile app.Oct 2, 2020

Does Fresno State require Covid vaccine?

The new requirement will immediately apply to all students and non-represented staff, including managers (MPPs) and auxiliary employees who have self-certified that they will be on-campus during the spring semester.

Does Fresno State do Covid testing?

COVID-19 tests are available to all current students, faculty and staff, at no cost. Our COVID-19 Testing Center is open at the Student Recreation Center entrance on the northeast corner (near the Save Mart Center box office).

Is Fresno State going online 2022?

Fresno State will begin instruction virtually on Jan. 20, continuing through Jan. 28. In-person instruction will resume on Jan.Jan 5, 2022

How do I access my Fresno State email?

Students can access their Fresno State mail by going to the web site Why does Fresno State use Gmail for students? After much student input and research, the Gmail service was selected as the solution that provides what students were asking for in a new email system.May 20, 2021

How do I find my Fresno State ID number?

Find Your Employee ID number Click on the Self Service link. Click on the Campus Personal Information link. Click on the Demographic Information link. Your Employee ID Number is the first piece of information listed on the Demographic Summary page.Oct 22, 2019

What does Digital Campus mean Fresno State?

The Digital Campus (DC) at Fresno State is designed to enrich courses by offering an online aspect to every course that uses Blackboard or other online resources, officials said. ... “Digital Campus supports online teaching and learning,” Auernheimer said.Apr 19, 2010