french word for blackboard

by Miss Chanelle Robel DVM 8 min read

Is Blackboard masculine or feminine?

I understand that you use the article 'die' when talking about a feminine object, das when the subject is neutral, and der when talking about a masculine object....Translation by Vocabulix.EnglishSpanishblackboardla pizarra4 more rows

What is the meaning of Soeur?

sisterTranslation of "soeur" in English. Noun. sister. sis.

What is a French necessaire?

masculine noun. (= essentiel) necessary. faire le nécessaire to do the necessary.

What is the meaning of une pomme?

1. (= fruit) apple. tomber dans les pommes (informal) to pass out.

Is sœur French?

From Middle French soeur, from Old French suer (nominative), from Latin soror (cf. also the Old French oblique form seror from the Latin accusative sorōrem), from Proto-Italic *swezōr, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *swésōr.

Is Ma sœur masculine or feminine in French?

Family Vocabulary in FrenchMasculineFemininePluralLe père [father]La mère [mother]Les parents [parents]Le frère [brother]La soeur [sister]Les frères et soeurs [siblings]Le fils [son]La fille [daughter]Les enfants [children]Le grand-père [grandfather]La grand-mère [grandmother]Les grand-parents [grandparents]12 more rows

What is an antique necessaire?

A nécessaire is a receptacle for items considered to be required for everyday life. These could be ordinary items such as a knife or other eating utensil in a leather case or it could be an elaborate container, made from precious metals, secreting such items as manicure utensils or a sewing kit.

Does Des mean some in French?

You might already know that des is a contraction of de and les. It is always followed by a plural noun, and can be used as a preposition to mean "of," "from," or "by," or as an article to mean "some" or "a few." Note that when des is used as an article, it is often left untranslated.

Is lait masculine or feminine in French?

From Old French lait, from Vulgar Latin lactem (“milk”, masculine or feminine accusative), from Latin lac (“milk”, neuter), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵlákts (“milk”).

Is Ananas masculine or feminine?

ananas {masculine} In the beginning, maybe pineapples and beans and corn; in the second phase, there will be bananas and papayas; later on, there will be chocolate and chilies.