epcc blackboard contacnt numb

by Porter Littel 3 min read

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How do I access EPCC blackboard?

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What support is available at EPCC?

For more information about Blackboard, please visit the Distance Learning Support Services website. Support For assistance getting started with an online course and technical support contact the EPCC Blackboard Helpdesk available 24/7 (Toll Free) or visit Distance Learning Support Services. Blackboard Help Desk (888) 296-0863

What is the phone number for the EPCC?

EPCC > Contact > Online Assistance. Live, online assistance to support your success at EPCC. No matter the distance, we’re here to help. From Admissions, to Tutoring, Financial Aid, and virtual advising — EPCC's support services are available to you remotely. ... El Paso Community College; El Paso, Texas (915) 831-3722; Maps Sign In. menu ...

Where can I find more information about blackboard?

Apply Programs Contact Us. By The Numbers. $1632. Low Cost Full-Time Tuition. 130+ Programs to choose from. 74%. of our students receive financial aid. 300+ Continuing Education courses. Programs of Study Browse Programs. Recent News. ... El Paso Community College; El Paso, Texas (915) 831-3722;


What is EPCC Blackboard?

Blackboard is the course management software used by EPCC to deliver courses over the Internet. Blackboard has the tools students will use to view the calendar, turn in assignments, take tests, and participate in discussion online.

How do I access my EPCC email?

How will you access your new @my.epcc.edu email account? Starting September 14, you can access your @my.epcc.edu email account by visiting my.epcc.edu and clicking on the 'My Email' link to be directed to your mailbox.Sep 3, 2015

Where is El Paso Community College?

With the start of the 1998 Spring semester, El Paso Community College opened Mission del Paso, a major educational facility in the east El Paso/Mission Valley Area. It is located at 10700 Gateway East between Americas Avenue and Horizon Blvd.

What type of college is EPCC?

public institutionEl Paso Community College is a public institution in El Paso, Texas. Its campus is located in a city with a total enrollment of 28,819. The school utilizes a semester-based academic year.

How do I use EPCC on blackboard?

Open Google Chrome and go to my.epcc.edu 2. Log in using your EPCC credentials a. ... From the menu where your name appears, click on Courses to go to the Courses page. ... Your instructor may add the My Grades tool link to the course menu. ... Your instructor will add a Discussion tool link to the Course Menu.

How do I log into EPCC?

To access Web Banner using your EPCC Account:Navigate to Web Banner.Enter your Student ID number.Enter your PIN and click "Login." First-time users - the default PIN is your date of birth: MMDDYY.

What GPA do you need for EPCC?

2.0GPA Students are required to maintain a calculated Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 (equivalent to "C" grade), which includes all developmental course work. Students are required to successfully complete two thirds (2/3) of hours attempted in order to remain eligible.

What is EPCC famous for?

The College continues to receive national recognition for its educational excellence and is one of the fastest growing community colleges in Texas. Currently, we serve over 27,000+ credit students and 8,000 continuing education students each semester.

How do I drop a class EPCC?

Students can visit Web Banner and log in to drop the course or completely withdraw. To view drop dates please refer to the Academic Calendar. If you have any questions please send an email to [email protected].

Does EPCC offer scholarships?

EPCC offers a variety of scholarships for new, continuing, and transfer students. EPCC administers numerous scholarships for students based on merit, financial need (as determined by completing the FAFSA), educational background or academic major.

Does EPCC have dorms?

El Paso Community College Room and Board Expenses El Paso Community College does not offer housing or meal plans.

How many students are at EPCC?

30,723 (2011)El Paso Community College / Total enrollment

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