why is mssu blackboard down?

by Dashawn Lang 10 min read

The MSSU Blackboard System will be down for maintenance & improvements on …

Full Answer

Where can I find MSSU blackboard?

Blackboard is located at mssu.blackboard.com You can also find it on the MSSU homepage under "Quick Links". ... Try using the "Send an Email to your Instructor" link in the Blackboard course. Why can't I access ___ (test, quiz, assignment, etc.)? Email your professor and make sure that they have it opened for the student to view.

How do I log in to blackboard as a student?

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What is blackboard’s services status page?

Students experiencing technical issues concerning Blackboard may call the Help Desk at 417-659-4444 or email [email protected] The Blackboard Help Desk hours of operation are Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm central time.

What happened to Blackboard?

Feb 10, 2022 · MSSU students log into Blackboard using their Student Identification number (SID) as their “username” and their LioNet pin as their “password”. NOTE : The “s” at … 5.


How many blackboard templates are there at MSSU?

New Blackboard sites are created every semester from which to teach. However, faculty at MSSU are allowed a maximum of four Blackboard templates for each course they teach. The content in a Blackboard template can be copied into a “live” Blackboard course site.

How far in advance do you have to contact the testing office?

To schedule your appointment for testing, you must contact the Testing Office at least 24 hours in advance of the time you wish to take test in our facility.

What is a proctor in school?

A proctor is a professional person such as an employee of a school district, police officer, or clergy member who is willing to receive your testing materials and will assure testing integrity. Students must print our proctor form from this link and have it completed by the prospective proctor candidate.

Does MSSU have a blackboard?

Yes. All MSSU students will see the "Blackboard Orientation and Information Course Site" in their course listings once they've logged into MSSU's Blackboard. This site contains helpful tips and information about the requirements and general use of Blackboard.

Can you take a blackboard test online?

They may require the use of a proctor, or the use of security tool such as Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. If the instructor requires a proctor, you will also have the option to take the test online using Respondus.

Blackboard comments Tips? Frustrations? Share them with other site visitors

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When will Blackboard learn SaaS 3900.17.0 be released?

Identified - As part of our commitment to release quality, we’re delaying the Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.17.0 release to GovCloud client Productions servers in the US-East timezone, previously scheduled for Thursday, July 1, 2021.

Can you access behind the blackboard?

Users can access Behind the Blackboard but some functionality can be unavailable or running at less than optimal performance. General and intermittent slow performance, timeouts, and connectivity issues are possible. Salesforce has identified the fix and is continuing to work to apply and stabilize the service.
