editing blackboard collaborate recordings

by Xander Hegmann 9 min read

If you need to edit the recording, you can use the drop down arrow next to the recordings name and select “Edit Recording.” a. This will then open a window that allows you to edit the recording. You can change the recordings name and description, the courses the recording is available to, and enable guest links.

Can I delete part of Blackboard Collaborate recording?

Click on the Collaborate session name. The session details screen will open with a list of recordings for the session at the bottom. 3. Click on the delete icon beside the name of the recording to be deleted.Jun 5, 2015

How do I convert a Blackboard Collaborate recording to panopto?

How to export a recording from Collaborate and upload to PanoptoStep 1: Find your recording within the recordings folder in Blackboard Collaborate. Click on the three lines to find the menu. Click on Recordings. ... Step 2: Upload to Panopto. Log into the Panopto Cloud – uwe.cloud.panopto.eu.uk.Oct 12, 2020

How do I convert Blackboard Collaborate to MP4?

Locate the recording you wish to convert and save. 3. Select the type of file you wish to convert the recording to, and click on that blue Convert link. Choosing MP3 will record Audio ONLY; to record audio and video, choose MP4.

Can you annotate on Blackboard Collaborate?

Collaborate Annotation Tools. When files or a blank whiteboard are shared in a session, you can use annotation tools to edit and mark up the document during the live session. You'll find the annotation tools at the top of the screen.

How do I download a panopto video from Blackboard?

From the session settings menu, select “Outputs.” Then, below “Video Podcast,” click “Download Podcast.” The Panopto recording will download to your computer as an mp4 file.

How do I upload a recording to Blackboard?

Post Your Recording to BlackboardGo to the content area where you would like to place media in your course.Click Build Content.Click on the Add Content button.If your media is already uploaded, click Select next to the media. ... Add a title and any accompanying text, and change any settings accordingly.Click Submit.Dec 21, 2020

Can you save blackboard recordings?

To the right of the recording you want, click the three dots in a circle icon. to access Recording options, and select Download. Save the recording to a location on your computer.Feb 28, 2018

How do I Download a recording from Blackboard?

Go to Recordings and click on the Recording Options (ellipses sign) adjacent to the recording you wish to download. 6. Click Download. After the download (MP4) has completed, look in your Downloads folder on your computer for the downloaded session.

How do I Download audio from Blackboard?

3) For the podcast episode you want, click your mouse's RIGHT BUTTON on the word PLAY. 4) From the context menu that appears, click SAVE TARGET AS. 5) A SAVE AS dialogue box will appear. Select the location on your computer or storage media where you want to save this audio file.

How do you mark something on Blackboard?

HOW DO I MARK ASSIGNMENTS IN BLACKBOARD ASSIGNMENT? HOW DO STUDENTS SUBMIT THEIR ASSIGNMENT? Students should go to the relevant module in Blackboard, select Assessment and Feedback, go to the assignment, and click on the submission point.

Can Blackboard Collaborate see your screen?

Yes. Blackboard's Lockdown Browser can detect screen mirroring during a proctored examination. However, Blackboard cannot detect screen mirroring, or any other activity during an unproctored examination.Mar 30, 2022

How do you highlight on Blackboard?

Select the Point Annotation icon in the toolbar to type comments in any place on the document. Comments are identified by a blue conversation bubble. Click and drag to highlight text, then choose to highlight or highlight and add a comment.