dvc blackboard

by Julie Kilback 5 min read

What is a DVC test?

Desktop Video Conferencing (DVC) Testing All campus locations will provide testing services for Desktop Video students. Instructors and personnel at each campus will collaborate to effectively serve the testing needs of DVC students.

What is DVC in college?

Diablo Valley College (DVC) is a public community college with campuses in Pleasant Hill and San Ramon in Contra Costa County, California....Diablo Valley College.TypePublic community collegeParent institutionContra Costa Community College DistrictAcademic staff670Students22,0007 more rows

Is DVC a person?

In-person services will resume Tuesday, January 18. DVC is committed to supporting the basic needs of our students. If you need help, we have resources for food, housing, and even free health services.

What is a passing grade at DVC?

DDVC grading policies are based on the faculty's philosophy, California Administration Code, Title 5 (Sec. 5130051325), and the Contra Costa Community College District Board Policy 4001....Grade Policy.GradeGrade points per unitAExcellent4BGood3CSatisfactory2DPassing, less than satisfactory13 more rows•Oct 6, 2021

Is DVC college free?

As part of our College Promise effort, DVC is offering the First Time + Full Time = Free Tuition (FT3) program. By completing at least 12 units, with a minimum 2.0 GPA you could receive a refund of your tuition!Dec 13, 2021

What does DVC stand for?

DVCAcronymDefinitionDVCDisney Vacation ClubDVCDiablo Valley CollegeDVCDeviceDVCDomestic Violence Coalition41 more rows

How many students are at DVC?

With over 28,000 students of all ages and a host of programs, you'll find a dynamic educational environment and a lively atmosphere at DVC.Feb 17, 2022

What time can I book DVC online?

8:00 AM EasternYour Disney Vacation Club Membership allows you the privilege and flexibility to reserve accommodations at your Home Resort 11 months in advance of the Check-In date. When the online booking window opens at 8:00 AM Eastern Time, you can book a stay of up to 7 consecutive nights!

Is DVC track open to public?

DVC is open to the public and available remotely to answer your questions and assist you.Feb 9, 2022

Can you remove a failed class from transcript?

If you did not find a mistake on a final exam or assignment grade, there is little you can do to remove a grade from your transcript. Some schools will allow you to retake a course for a better grade and will delete the F from your transcript entirely.Jun 25, 2018

How does pass no pass affect GPA?

The Pass/No Pass grade option replaces the Letter grade earned in a course and does not factor into your GPA. Additionally, certain scholarships may require that students maintain a minimum GPA threshold, which Pass/No Pass courses may not help with, since Pass/No Pass grades do not factor into your GPA.

How can I calculate my GPA?

To calculate your GPA, divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of letter graded units undertaken.

Experiences Beyond Expectations

Take freshman and sophomore courses at DCC remotely, and transfer your credits to a four-year school when the time is right. Click the image below to read or download our Viewbook.

COVID-19 Updates & Resources

Learn more about our Covid -19 (coronavirus) response and how we're working with state and local authorities to support public health.
