blackboard dean's list stlcc

by Lea Schaden 5 min read

Academic Honors
Full-time students who are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours and who earn current grade point averages of 3.5 or higher will be designated Dean's List for that semester.

What is a STLCC Onecard?

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What does STLCC offer in its bookstores?

Apr 08, 2020 · She has been on the Dean’s List her entire time at STLCC, and has completed 15 credit hours of honors projects, including English, nutrition, oral communications, and personal health and hygiene. Green has been accepted at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and Missouri Baptist University, and has been offered a full scholarship to attend UMSL.

What is a Dean’s list?

Logging on to Blackboard. If you are not currently using BB and would like to get a sneak preview of what your colleagues have done, just go to Click on Course Catalog. You can view courses that allow guest access by clicking on Preview

Why choose STLCC for your career?

Mar 22, 2022 · Blackboard. Blackboard is a tool that allows faculty to add resources for students to access online. ... St. Louis Community College owns bookstores on each of its four campuses and at the South County Center and the William J. Harrison Education Center. All offer textbooks, merchandise and services to support the educational needs of our students.


How do I find my GPA Stlcc?

To access your grades:Log in to Banner Self-Service. ... Select Student Services and Financial Aid link.Select the Student Records link. ... Select Midterm Grades or Final Grade Report to view your grades. ... Select a semester in the drop down list for the term that you need and click the Submit button.

Is Ad passing at Stlcc?

STLCC has two GPA types: Semester GPA: the average of your grades from one semester....Grades.GradeGrade PointExplanationB3Above AverageC2AverageD1Passing; Below Average*F0Failure1 more row

Does Stlcc have a Deans List?

Full-time students who are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours during the fall or spring terms and who earn current grade point averages of 3.5 or higher will be designated Dean's List for that semester.

What is a passing grade at Stlcc?

STLCC has two GPA types: Semester GPA: the average of your grades from one semester....Grades.GradeGrade PointExplanationA4SuperiorB3Above AverageC2AverageD1Passing; Below Average*1 more row

Does Stlcc have a Deans List?

Full-time students who are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours during the fall or spring terms and who earn current grade point averages of 3.5 or higher will be designated Dean's List for that semester.

How do I check my grades Stlcc?

Check GradesLog in to Banner Self-Service. ... Select Student Services and Financial Aid link.Select the Student Records link. ... Select Midterm Grades or Final Grade Report to view your grades. ... Select a semester in the drop down list for the term that you need and click the Submit button.

How much is a class in credit hours at Stlcc?

Cost of Attending STLCCResident TypeCost Per Credit Hour (Maintenance Fee)Dual Enrollment Student (2021-2022) Cost Per Credit HourOut-of-State Residents$233/credit hour$128/credit hourInternational Students$243/credit hour$133/credit hour5 more rows

Student Academic Rights

  • Students shall have the right to:
    Access scheduled class meetings and appropriate instructional and support service. A syllabus describing course objectives; units of subject matter to be provided; evaluation procedures; major course requirements such as term papers, book reviews, field trips and weekly reports; and rule…
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Academic Appeals Procedure

  • General Information
    1. Please review the St. Louis Community College Student Code of Conductto ensure that you are following all relevant processes. 2. If your concern is about a social, emotional, or non-academic issue that is interfering with your ability to succeed in the classroom, please check the STLCC C…
  • Filing an Appeal
    A student may appeal an alleged violation of his/her academic rights in accordance with the following procedures: 1. If the communication with your faculty member does not resolve your concern, you may begin Step 1 of the academic appeal process. 1.1. Within 10 working days of a…
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Academic Standards

  • Academic Standards All students, after completing a minimum of six semester hours, are expected to meet certain Standards of Academic Progress. These standards are: 1. Good standing & if the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher. 2. Academic probation & if the cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. The definition of Satisfactory Academic Progress is not a substitute for, nor doe…
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Academic Honors

  • Full-time students who are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours and who earn current grade point averages of 3.5 or higher will be designated Dean's List for that semester. Part-time students will be designated Dean's List at the accumulation of each increment of 12 credit hours with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Transcripts and diplomas of graduates who have earned cumulati…
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Academic Integrity Statement

  • St. Louis Community College recognizes that the core value of academic integrity is essential to all activities of an academic community and provides the cornerstone for teaching and learning. It is characterized by upholding the foundational principles of honesty, equity, mutual responsibility, respect, and personal integrity. Advancing the principles of academic integrity is essential becau…
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Grade Reports

  • The Registrar's Office maintains records of academic performance for all currently enrolled students. Grades indicating performance following mid-semester may be obtained directly through the faculty member in accordance with the regulations contained in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. These grades are an assessment of academic prog…
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Grading System and Determining GPA

  • The following grading symbols and points are used: *The grade of D may be considered unsatisfactory to progress in some programs. Only grades earned at STLCC are included in the calculation of GPA for degrees and certificates. To determine GPA, add all grade points and divide by the number of credits attempted. STLCC has two GPA types: 1. Semester GPA:the average o…
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  • Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given term must file an application for their degree or certificate in the Admissions & Enrollment Services office. The deadlines are March 1 for spring, June 20 for summer and Oct. 1 for fall. Students may participate in a graduation ceremonyheld once a year in May. Students should meet with an advisor or counselor to review t…
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Honors Program

  • Admission to the college honors program is based on any of the following criteria: a 3.5 or better GPA in either high school or college based on a 4.0 scale, a score of 1100 or better on the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) or a score of 25 or better on the American College Testing Program Assessment (ACT). Both transfer and career programs offer a variety of ways to earn h…
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Study Abroad

  • St. Louis Community College offers short- and long-term study abroad programs in different regions of the world. Participating students earn college credit and gain knowledge and experience while exploring other cultures and countries. For more information, visit the Study Abroadprogram.
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