drexel blackboard less

by Elissa Blanda 7 min read

Where can I find more information about the blackboard app?

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Does Drexel University offer technical support?

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Can I use Drexel learn on my mobile device?

Aug 28, 2020 · Anyone else should contact technical support for their own college, department, university, organization, or business. You can contact Drexel ITG Blackboard Support as well regarding technical issues related to Bb Learn, but Mike knows what they know about Bb Learn and is much more intimately aware of issues related to Drexel CCI courses.

What is blackboard videos?

Blackboard Ally. Ally is a tool within Drexel Learn that automatically generates alternate formats of course content, such as audio and HTML, for text-based files like Word documents and PDFs. It also allows faculty to view feedback about the accessibility of their course content, as well as provide descriptions and instructions regarding ...


Requesting Ally

Faculty can request to have Ally activated in any of their courses that contain content. The request can be made by emailing the Instructional Technology Group at [email protected].

Using Ally

Once Ally has been activated in a course, faculty will begin to see colored gauges to the left of content that has been scanned by the system. Clicking on these gauges open an overlay that identify accessibility issues with the content, why accessibility for the file is important, and how to improve accessibility.


Training sessions for Blackboard Ally, as well as other Digital Accessibility topics are listed on the ITG Workshops page.

What is the Blackboard app?

Students can use the Blackboard App, available for iOS and Android , to view course content, participate in their courses, and view their grades. More information about the Blackboard App is available on Blackboard's help site .

How long does it take to learn a course in Banner?

Students who are enrolled in courses in Banner are automatically enrolled in the corresponding course in Learn within 1 hour. By default, enrolled students are able to access a quarter-based course in Learn one week before the start date of the course through one week after the course ends. Semester-based courses are available to enrolled students from the start date of the course through one week after the course ends. In both cases, instructors may override the default dates in order to provide extended or more limited access to the course.

How long does a semester based course last?

Semester-based courses are available to enrolled students from the start date of the course through one week after the course ends. In both cases, instructors may override the default dates in order to provide extended or more limited access to the course.
