csuc blackboard

by Aisha Kassulke 6 min read

How do I access blackboard as a student?

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What is a blackboard crash course?

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How do I get technical assistance with blackboard?

Students taking courses using Blackboard are expected to adhere to the CSU Student Code of Conduct. Please be advised that instructors may use practices and technology tools in addition to Blackboard to ensure the quality and acaedmic integrity of online courses and courses with online components. Student Orientation Course in Blackboard Learn

How do I know which browsers are supported by Blackboard?

Columbia Southern University is a premier online university to earn an online degree, online mba degree, and take college classes online.


Ultra navigation Introduction

The following links help explain the new Ultra Navigation and features in Blackboard:

Password Reset

Forgot your password? To reset your password, login to CampusNet and follow the steps.

Blackboard Help

If you need technical assistance with Blackboard, contact the IT Support Center at 614-287-5050 or email [email protected] .

Blackboard Tools

NetTutor NetTutor offers online tutoring options for students. You can access NetTutor by clicking on the N logo in any course.

Web-conferencing Tools

Zoom is an online web conferencing platform that allows students the ability to attend virtual class meetings, share presentation materials, and communicate in real-time using audio, video, and chat tools.
