create a hyperlink blackboard blog

by Vallie Lesch 3 min read

How to post a working hyperlink to a Blackboard discussion, blog, or journal

  1. Highlight the text you want to make a working hyperlink
  2. Click the “Insert/Edit Link” button
  3. Copy/paste the URL for your link
  4. Select “Open in New Window (_blank)” from the “Target” drop-down
  5. Click the “Insert” button
  6. Click the “Submit” button (if a discussion post) or

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Part of a video titled Creating a clickable link in a Blackboard Discussion Forum
Open in a new window. Select insert your web address should now be highlighted and underlined inMoreOpen in a new window. Select insert your web address should now be highlighted and underlined in blue add additional text to the text box if desired click Submit and you're done easy peasy.

Full Answer

How to post a hyperlink in Blackboard?

This tutorial show you how to a a hyperlink into a blog on blackboard. and also how to upload a document to a blackboard blog as well

How do I make a hyperlink to a specific page?

You can add a hyperlink to any place in Blackboard that has the box with the toolbars on them. This could be a discussion board post, item, folder, message, etc. 1. Go to where you want the hyperlink. 2. Type in what you want the area to say. 3. Highlight what you want to be the link, then click the little link icon. 4.

How do I create a link to a blog?

Steps 1: If you only see a single tool bar in the editor be sure to click the ellipsis button to view the entire editor. Step 2: Make sure the words you want to hyperlink are highlighted. Step 3:...

How do I create a link to a course?

Create a blog topic. Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Blogs and select Create Blog. Type a name and optional instructions. Make the blog available to students. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time …


How do I add a link to my blog on blackboard?

Add a blog link to the course menuSelect the plus sign above the course menu. The Add Menu Item list appears.Select Tool Link and type a Name for the link.From the Type list, select Blogs.Select the Available to Users check box.Select Submit.

How does a blog work in Blackboard?

Course Blogs allow all users in the course to share their thoughts and work in one common area where everyone can read and comment. All entries are posted to the same page to help promote collaboration among all course members. Users can add entries and comment on entries anonymously to maintain privacy.Oct 5, 2016

How do you add a link to a forum post?

When posting to the forums you can insert a hyperlink by first highlighting the text you wish to become the link. Then simply click the "link" button, a pop-up box will appear with 2 text boxes. Enter your link address (eg. and the link title (This text shows when the mouse is over the link).

What is the difference between a blog and a journal in Blackboard?

Blogs and Journals in Blackboard look and behave in similar ways. They both provide Blog like features and functionalities. The key difference between the two is that Blogs are shared within the course, and journals are usually private. You can have any number.Sep 25, 2015

What is the difference between a blog and a discussion board on Blackboard?

Blogs are less structured than the Discussion Board, and they're chronological. The format is more open and conversational in style. If you set Permit course users to view journal, the journal will not be private, making it more like a blog with commenting turned off.

What is a blog in Blackboard?

From the instructor's point of view, blogs are an effective means of gaining insight into students' activities and provide a way to share the knowledge and materials collected. In Blackboard Learn, instructors create and manage blogs, and only enrolled users can view and create entries and comments in them.

What can you do with blog entries?

You and your students create blog entries and other course members can make comments on the entries. As the instructor, you can use blog entries to provide structure for discussions on class topics and other issues.

Why do you need to create a blog topic?

You must create blog topics before students can add their entries. A blog topic helps keep entries organized around a central theme. You can create more than one blog topic for students to add entries about different subjects.

What is a blog in school?

Your institution controls which tools are available. A blog is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended to share with others. Most blogs also have a commenting feature, so that people can respond to one another's thoughts. Blogs encourage students to clearly express their ideas.

What are the two types of blogs?

Types of blogs. Blogs consist of two elements: Blog entries: Text, images, links, multimedia, social media , and attachments added by course members. Comments: Remarks or responses to blog entries made by other course members, including the instructor. You can allow students to participate in blogs in three ways: ...

Can you edit a blog topic?

You can edit basic properties of a blog topic, including the name, instructions, availability, and other settings. You can edit any user's blog entries and delete blog topics and comments.
