The no-cost version of Blackboard Mobile Learn is therefore avail- able on Sprint network Android devices, Sprint network BlackBerry smartphone devices, and Sprint network HP webOS devices, but also on the iPad, iPod and iPod Touch (Wi-Fi only).
Blackboard Learn does not require any other browser plug-ins....Supported browsers.Desktop Browser VersionsMobile Browser Base Versions1Chrome87+33+Edge287+46+Firefox78+33+Safari13+ (desktop, Mac OS only)On iOS 12+
Internet History and Cache Sometimes, this stored data can create problems for Blackboard users trying to login to the system. If you are experiencing “Session Already Running” errors or are unable to view certain web content, try clearing your Internet history and/or cache.
Supported browsers for use with Blackboard include Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
The new Windows 10 browser, Microsoft Edge, is listed as being supported by Blackboard. At this time the GVSU Blackboard Support group recommends Firefox, Chrome or Safari. A list of Blackboard supported browsers can be found here.Jan 1, 2018
Certified browsers and operating systemsBrowserDesktopMobileGoogle ChromeWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Android 9+FirefoxWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Not supportedSafarimacOS 10.14+iOS 14+Microsoft Edge (Chromium)Windows, macOSAndroid, iOS
The Windows version of the Blackboard app is no longer supported and was removed from the Microsoft Store on December 31, 2019. The iOS and Android versions of the app are supported and get regular updates.
Make sure the user has the most up to date version of their internet browser. Advise your users to deactivate browser add-ons and see if that fixes their issue. Clear browser cache and refresh browser. Clearing the browser cache allows Collaborate to download the necessary components again to run a session.
Try clearing your browser cache, and reloading the session. Restart your computer. Try using Firefox instead of Chrome. Try dialling into the session using your phone.
The problem occurs when you are using Safari on a Mac computer. You are able to login to myCommNet but when you click the link to Blackboard it requires an additional login. This is usually due to the browser not accepting cookies. You could workaround this by using a different browser such as Chrome.
A website can run without CSS, but it certainly isn't pretty. CSS makes the front-end of a website shine and it creates a great user experience. Without CSS, websites would be less pleasing to the eye and likely much harder to navigate. In addition to layout and format, CSS is responsible for font color and more.
The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher is a software application for Mac OS X 10.8. 4 and higher. The Launcher provides a convenient and reliable way for you to access your Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions and recordings.