oklahoma school blackboard

by Vidal Kutch III 5 min read

How do I get help with blackboard?

blackboard.jpg Blackboard is Northern Oklahoma College’s online class environment. Access to your online classes will only become available on the first day of class.

How do I upload test questions to Blackboard?

Blackboard Quiz Generator Instructions. Enter your questions. Enter Test Name. Click on the chevron to view question types as well as sample questions. Copy and Paste the questions from a word document or type out the questions and answers. Ensure to leave a …

Were chalkboard lessons frozen in time at Oklahoma high school?

Jun 08, 2015 · Workers at an Oklahoma City school have discovered blackboards covered in chalk drawings and lessons from 1917. (Oklahoma City Schools) The workers made the discovery last week as they began...

What happened to the blackboard of 1917?

Jun 12, 2015 · On Friday, the Oklahoman reported that a set of charming chalkboard lessons frozen in time from 1917 were discovered during renovations of three classrooms at Emerson High School in Oklahoma City ...


What browsers are compatible with Blackboard?

The following browsers are compatible with Blackboard and we strongly recommend that your use one of these: Internet Explorer 9 or newer. Google Chrome (Stable Channel Release) Firefox (Extended Support Release) Safari 6 (MAC Only) 2.

What is your student ID number?

Your username is your first initial, middle initial, and last name followed by the last two digits of your student ID number (This number is not your SSN). So, if your name is John B. Doe and your student ID is 0012345, your username will be jbdoe45 (all lower case - no spaces).

Can I use Safari with Blackboard?

You could also use Internet Explorer 9 or newer, or a Stable Channel Release of Firefox. We do not recommend using the Safari browser with Blackboard.

How to download a question pool?

Click "Download Question Pool" button and save the zip file to a location on your computer hard drive (eg. downloads folder or Desktop). Navigate to the Pool section in blackboard. In Blackboard, Click on "Control Panel" - "Course Tools. Click "Test, Surveys and Pools".

How to download test questions?

Click "Download Test Questions" button and save the text file to a location on your computer hard drive (eg. downloads folder or Desktop). Navigate to the test section in Blackboard. In Blackboard, Click on "Control Panel" - "Course Tools. Click " Test, Surveys and Pools".
