by Cayla Mills
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
6 min read
Why use blackboard for your online courses?
For additional assistance or troubleshooting Blackboard, please contact the CMU Help Desk at 989-774-3662.
Can all faculty use the Blackboard course shell provided?
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
What is blackboard (BB)?
Contact Blackboard Support for Carnegie Mellon at:[email protected] Blackboard System Update Recently, we installed system updates necessary for maintaining the stability and security of the system. If you would like help with your Blackboard course, please contact [email protected].
Does Blackboard automatically enroll?
Enrollment in a Blackboard course will typically occur automatically based on registration, but users may also be added manually.
Can you access Blackboard if you are on a wait list?
Students on the Wait List: Wait-listed students do not initially have access to the Blackboard course site. If you have important course materials that students need to see before they become automatically enrolled in the Blackboard course, you may want to manually enroll these students.
Can a TA enroll students?
TAs, students, guest lecturers). TAs can enroll students and guests in a course, but cannot enroll other TAs or instructors.
Automatic Enrollment For Instructors and Registered Students
Students registered in the HUB and officially enrolled in a course will automatically be enrolled in a Blackboard course. Based on the Blackboard course request made by the instructor, the instructor and TAs listed on the request form will also be automatically enrolled in the Blackboard course (given the instructor has requested a Blackboard course). Common Problem: Certain typ…
Instructors have the ability to manuallyenroll users in the course (e.g. TAs, students, guest lecturers). TAs can enroll students and guests in a course, but cannot enroll other TAs or instructors. Note: Users must have an Andrew account to be added to the course. If a user does not have an Andrew account, refer to the "User Accounts" documentation. 1. From the "Control P…
Expand the "Users and Groups" area in the "Control Panel" and click on "Users". A list of users enrolled in the course will appear. Note:If all users are not showing and you'd like to show all, click the "Show All" button located beneath the list of users. If the list of students is empty, Blackboard may have a cached filter. To reset the filter an...
Enter an enrolled user's Last Name, User Name, or Email address in the Search field and click the "Go" button. The user's information (name, username, email, role in Blackboard) will appear. Note:This search utility will only return results for users already enrolled in the course.