blackboard ttu help

by Dr. Connor Cassin 7 min read

How to contact Blackboard Support?

If you encounter difficulties with the Blackboard course content or tools, please contact your instructor and if needed, the instructor can initiate a request for assistance with Blackboard Support to resolve the issue by emailing [email protected] or by calling. 806-742-7227. IT Help Central.

What is the phone number for TTU?

806-742-7227 . For technical assistance with the TTU network, Blackboard, or your computer, contact TTU's IT HelpCentral. IT HelpCentral is open late and on weekends for the TTU community. They assist with eRaider sign-in problems, browser errors, and other technical difficulties you may encounter.

Can you take a blackboard test on a computer?

Use caution when taking a Blackboard test on a computer using WiFi (wireless). Use a computer that is connected to the internet with a network (Ethernet) cable if at all possible. Do NOT take the test on any type of mobile device (i.e. phone or tablet). Always take a test on a computer with a supported browser!

What time does the TTU Blackboard Steering Group open?

The TTU Blackboard Steering Group has reserved Friday morning, 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., each week for system maintenance on the Blackboard Learning Management System. During these periods, the Blackboard system may be unavailable. Should you experience outages outside of these times, please contact IT Help Central at (806)742-4357 (HELP) .

When will Blackboard be available in Fall 2021?

On July 5, 2021, at 5:00 PM, all Fall 2021 live courses will be pushed to Blackboard. After that time and as new courses are created in Banner, they will also be pushed into Blackboard; courses will not have to be requested. You will be able to access your Fall 2021 courses at .
