blackboard trio

by Angus Bogisich 5 min read

What is Blackboard Learn?

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Is my blackboard account the same as my Portal/email account?

If you would prefer to use your Colleague ID to look up your Photo ID barcode number, but are unsure what that number is, you can see it in the Portal under WebAdvisor for Students > Academic Profile > My Profile. Using either number, the Photo ID lookup tool will return your Photo ID Number. The last 8 digits will act as your Blackboard username.

What is my blackboard username&password?

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What are the system requirements to study on Blackboard?

TRIO Student Support services is a federally funded program by the U.S. Department of Education that provides additional support services to first-generation, low-income, and/or students with a disability during their time enrolled in college. Since this is a federally funded program, only select campuses provide this program.


What is TRIO?

TRIO Student Support services is a federally funded program by the U.S. Department of Education that provides additional support services to first-generation, low-income, and/or students with a disability during their time enrolled in college. Since this is a federally funded program, only select campuses provide this program.

Where do I get more information?

The following Ivy Tech campuses offer TRIO Student Support Services (click for more details where available):

What are the services offered by Trio?

The TRIO Student Support Services staff is dedicated to helping you navigate college successfully. They offer individual services and group workshops to help you attain your educational goals. Some of the services benefiting you are: 1 Individualized tutoring 2 Personal and career counseling 3 Academic and career workshops 4 Transfer assistance 5 Financial aid assistance 6 Cultural activities

What is SSS staff?

The SSS staff is dedicated to: Promoting academic support so students can successfully obtain their college degree. Providing individualized academic advising to help individuals achieve their educational goals. Assisting students with overcoming barriers to their college success.

Does Blackboard work on my computer?

It's important to make sure the Blackboard system will work on your computer. Before accessing Blackboard, you should check out the Basic Computer Requirements (PDF) to make sure your machine is capable of accessing the online learning environment. * You may need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF documents.

Does Three Rivers College offer eLearning?

Three Rivers College offers eLearning opportunities as an option for our community of learners, in addition to our traditional courses. Blackboard Learning Management System (Bb LMS) is the platform used to host online eLearning courses, that are held to the same high standard as our face-to-face courses.

What is a trio student?

TRIO Student Support Services offers individualized tutoring services that help you develop independent learning skills, better understand your learning and the learning processes, and respect your individual differences. These services are provided in a safe and caring environment that maximizes your learning opportunity.

What is a trio sss?

TRIO-SSS offers individualized coaching services designed to provide academic and non-cognitive development services for you as a TRIO-SSS student to address your needs. Success coaches work with you to monitor and track your progress and implement early intervention services as needed. Coaches will maintain contact with you on a regular basis and will employ “high touch” advising methods to help you succeed.

What is a noncitizen?

a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen. eligible for federal student aid (Pell Grant) enrolled or accepted at Central Piedmont as an undergraduate student. any of the following: -first-generation college student (neither parent has a four-year college degree)

Blackboard App

Access grades, course content, and more - right from the Blackboard app on your mobile device. Available on iOS and Android.

Q: Where can I find help using Blackboard courses?

A: There are multiple resources available for help using Blackboard Learn.

Q: How will I get communications from LRSC?

A: LRSC uses email as the main method of communication. Students must access their LRSC email account. For your convenience, you may also forward your college email to a personal account.

Q: Can I receive class notifications on my phone or mobile device?

A: You can set your notification preferences within your LRSC Blackboard. Find instructions on the “Blackboard Help” website. You may want to install the Blackboard App.

Q: Is Blackboard easy to use?

A: Yes, but to take time to go through the LRSC Online Student Tutorial will appear in your Courses list when you log in at LRSC Online.

Q: Is there a mobile app available?

A: Blackboard’s new student app, the Blackboard App, is available in Apple and Google stores now. You can access Blackboard, get grades, and participate in discussions on your mobile device. Download the Blackboard App today!

Q: How do I take tests in an online class?

A: Tests are done within the online course system. Students should have a wired connection to avoid any issues caused by a drop in connection. Some faculty will have additional requirements for test security and integrity measures.
