blackboard oswego

by Maymie Heaney 4 min read

How do my students access Blackboard Learn at Oswego?

The Blackboard Learn Learning Management System (LMS) is SUNY Oswego's campus supported web-based teaching and learning tool. At SUNY Oswego, Blackboard Learn is used by faculty to web enhance classroom-based courses with online activities, as well as teaching hybrid and fully online courses.

What is the Blackboard Learn Learning Management System?

How do I log in to Blackboard Learn? Your campus computer account must be activated before logging in to Blackboard Learn. Activation takes 1 hour to process! Log in using your SUNY Oswego email address and password. If you can’t remember your password, you can use this form to reset your password. This change takes 1 hour to process!

How do I get help with blackboard?

To get better acquanited with Blackboard and answer some commonly asked questions, check out the SUNY Oswego Blackboard Learn Student Frequently Asked Questions page. For all student support inquiries regarding Blackboard, please contact the Open SUNY HelpDesk. Phone: 844-673-6786 (844-OPENSUNY) 518-320-1300 (Direct) Submit a support ticket online

Where can I find blackboard faculty instructions for my course?

The new web address for Blackboard Learn at Oswego is (Note that there is no www). 2. HOW DO MY STUDENTS ACCESS BLACKBOARD LEARN? Students can use the …


How does Blackboard work?

Blackboard separates course communications into two parts, internal and external. The Course Messages system (seen on the right menu in each course) is purely internal, and messages you send will be kept in the course. Faculty and students will get a notification to their Oswego email that a new message has been received, but they will need to login into Blackboard to view the message and reply. The Email option (also on the right menu in each course) allows an email to be sent directly from Blackboard to a user or group. Once the message is sent, there is no record left in Blackboard, though a copy will be emailed to the sender. The email option is hidden from students by default.

How to log in to Blackboard Learn?

To log-in to Blackboard Learn, you must use your SUNY Oswego Laker NetID and password. If you have not activated your email account, please follow the instructions listed Then go to and click the login button.

How to add a student to a course?

12. HOW DO I ADD A STUDENT, TEACHING ASSISTANT OR GUEST TO MY COURSE ROSTER? 1 Student course enrollments happen automatically provided they have officially registered for the course. If you see an issue between the number of students enrolled in your course in the Campus Information System (Banner) and Blackboard Learn please ensure that the student has officially registered within the last 24 hours. If your student has registered for the course; has waited at least 24 hours and the student is still not appearing in your Blackboard Learn course roster, please contact the CTS Help Desk 2 If the student appears on your Blackboard Learn course roster but they do not see the course link in Blackboard Learn, please ensure that the course has been made available to students (See FAQ 11 ). If the course is enabled but the problem persists have the student contact the SUNY Online Help Desk 3 You can add additional editors, teaching assistants and guests to your courses by sending a request to [email protected] . Place Guest Access in the subject line; in the body of the message include the following information: user's name, user's email address, their role in your course, and the right you would like them to have (e.g. Viewing, Editing, Grading)

What does it mean when you log into Blackboard Learn?

If you log into Blackboard Learn and see that your courses are missing it could mean one of several things. Most commonly, students will have a hold on their account and have been temporarily de-registered from their courses. To troubleshoot, please log into myOswego to see if you have any holds on your account. After you clear up any outstanding issues your course access will be restored. If you still have issues, contact the SUNY Online Help Desk.

How to remove a course from Blackboard?

5. HOW DO I REMOVE A COURSE FROM MY BLACKBOARD LEARN HOME PAGE? 1 Current Semester Course: Once you have officially dropped a course, it can take up to 48 hours before the system removes the course from your Blackboard Learn home page. 2 Previous Semester Course: Point the cursor anywhere within the My Courses module and a cog icon will appear. Click on the cog icon. In the Edit Course List section, uncheck courses you no longer want to display on your home page. NOTE: Doing this will not remove you from the course.
