Blackboard (formerly Bb Student) is the latest mobile app for HuskyCT and is the recommended option for students. UConn students may download and install the Blackboard App for HuskyCT at no cost. If you have the myUConn app, this app is already installed on your device.
Instructors are encouraged to use the new Blackboard Instructor app when accessing their HuskyCT courses on the go. Blackboard introduced the Instructor app in Summer 2017 and more features are expected to be released as the product matures.
HuskyCT stands for "Husky Course Tools" and refers to the learning management system in use at UConn, which is Blackboard Learn. Many HuskyCT sites for course sections are now created automatically, such as Lecture and Discussion sections.
HuskyCT sites are generated in conjunction with the Student Admin system. Instructors who are listed in Student Admin as the instructor-of-record for a course will automatically be added to the corresponding HuskyCT site with the Instructor role. Many HuskyCT sites are now created automatically based on listings in Student Admin.
Most of the 5000+ HuskyCT sites in use a semester are for traditional face-to-face classes, but HuskyCT is also used to deliver fully online classes and the online component of hybrid courses.
HuskyCT sites are used for all aspects of remote/online learning. Primary uses include posting files (syllabus, class notes, problem solutions), posting grades, sending announcements, assignment submissions, tests, and online discussion.
The feed from Student Admin to HuskyCT also contains enrollment information and any students registered for the class are automatically enrolled on the HuskyCT site for that class. As students add or drop classes in Student Admin, the enrollment in the corresponding HuskyCT site will be adjusted appropriately. This is not immediate, however.
Each HuskyCT site is created with a start date and an end date. The start date is set for the first official day of classes for the term. The end date is set for two weeks after finals end. These start and end dates only apply to individuals with the Student Role on a HuskyCT site.
Instructors teaching a course again another semester can request the restore of their HuskyCT content from a previous semester. Older HuskyCT course sites are available for three years for restore purposes.