blackboard in german

by Ms. Elinore Upton 9 min read

What is Wie geht?

Definition of wie geht's? : how goes it? : how is it going? — used as a greeting.

What is Das schlafzimmer English?

bedroom [noun] a room for sleeping in.Mar 23, 2022

How do you say BAE in German?

bae {noun} Schatzi {m} [coll.]

What is Handarbeit Germany?

Handarbeit, die ~ needlework, the ~ Noun. embroidery, the ~ Noun.

What is the meaning of wohnzimmer?

living roomBritish English: living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrʊm/ NOUN. The living room in a house is the room where people sit and relax. We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.

What is Abstellraum English?

Abstellraum {m} storeroom. closet [room for storage] archi.

How do you flirt in German?

Right! This is why we have listed some of our best phrases you can use to flirt in German with your crush or partner....16 TOP PHRASES USED WHEN FLIRTING IN GERMAN.GermanEnglishDu siehst einfach umwerfend aus!You simply look stunningIch möchte immer bei dir sein!I want to be with you forever!14 more rows•Jan 7, 2021

What do you call a pretty girl in Germany?

pretty girl Noun pretty girl, the ~ (dollmanequinbeautiful girl) Schnuckelchen, das ~ Noun. schönes Mädchen, das ~ Noun.

How do you say cute girl in German?

"cute girl" translation into Germanvolume_up. niedliches Mädchen.volume_up. süße Mädchen.

How much are German steins worth?

German beer steins can sell for under $50 or over $5,000, but many sell in the $100 to $500 range. To determine whether your stein is a valuable antique or just a cool collectible, you need to look for clues about how old the stein is, where it was made, and how it was made.