blackboard flcc

by Darlene Adams DDS 10 min read

Enroll in Late Start Classes

Let us help you register for college courses! Our upcoming sessions include late start classes that run September through November, Winter Session courses, and the Spring Semester.

Areas of Study

FLCC offers more than 50 degree and certificate programs in a wide range of disciplines. Explore your options for career and transfer.

Flexible Ways to Learn

Earn your degree anytime and anywhere with online learning and HyFlex courses. Choose from in-person, online, hybrid, or HyFlex ways to learn.

How to contact FLCC?

Contact FLCC's Office of Online Learning at (585)785-1733, and we will help you get the information you need. From that number, you can also connect with many offices across the college as well as the Open SUNY help desk.

How often do hybrid classes meet?

Depending on the course, students may meet once a week or just a few times throughout each semester.

What are the advantages of online learning?

Independence and flexibility. Students that are successful online learners possess motivation, discipline, and time management skills and are comfortable using a computer and the internet. Many students find that online learning meets their learning style better than in-person courses.

Is FLCC accredited?

FLCC offers a wide range of programs online, allowing you to conveniently explore your academic interests and discover a fulfilling career path. All of FLCC's online learning opportunities are fully accredited and offer an engaging educational experience that will help you obtain the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals.

Is Finger Lakes Community College online?

Finger Lakes Community College's online degree programs provide a convenient, affordable, and flexible way to reach your academic and career goals . Whether it' s one class or a degree program, online courses allow you to choose when, where, and how you receive your education.
