blackboard eraser toontown

by Mr. Casper Abbott I 8 min read

How do you get the blackboard eraser in toontask?

Oct 10, 2011 · It depends on which type of eraser you are talking about: Goma - The eraser at the end of a pencil or rubber eraser - sometimes called Goma de borrar. Borrador - …

How do I get my next toontask?

Jun 14, 2014 · The location of the mega cog has been revealed, across the newfound street in acorn acres. They closed off the street and it remained that way for years. They sent thousands of new toons to find erasers, all bringing back erasers, but learning that it isnt the real one for each toon. The megacog will never be defeated until the eraser is found.

Can you skip the toontorial in Toontown Central?

A Blackboard Eraser from The Cogs Toontown Central: A Blackboard Eraser Return to: HQ Officer Toon HQ Any Street Any Neighbourhood : Make a Friend Anywhere: Make A Friend Return to: HQ Officer Toon HQ Any Street Any Neighbourhood : Call Clarabelle On your phone:

What is the toontorial and how do I get Started?

Recover a blackboard eraser from the cogs in Toontown Central. Return to an HQ Officer. Make a friend. Return to an HQ Officer. Call Clarabelle Cow. Return to an HQ Officer. Toons will not get the "Make a friend" ToonTask if they have already made a friend. Gag Training Visit Flippy. Defeat four cogs. Return to Flippy. Defeat one of the following:



She is the only Disney character in the game that toons cannot physically make contact with.


Clarabelle with some of the first accessories that were released in the game.

Ai Spai's Silly Sellbot Spotlight Needs YOU!

Helloooo AGAIN, Toontown!~ It's Ai Spai, reporting to the Toontown Blog on some very important Sellbot Task Force funny business. Of course, I'm sure you already knew that -- unless you didn’t. In that case, I am Zilly Fumblebump, and I really need your help finding a blackboard eraser. (Phew! Almost thought I blew my cover!)

Doodles are Coming Quickly!

Hey, it's me. Clerk Westin Girl. Never heard of me? I don’t blame you, we don’t get many folks in the Melodyland Pet Shop. Why's my name Westin Girl? It's uh… a long story. One that I'd usually be happy to tell. There's just… so many Doodles! I've got my hands full here!

The 3.1 Update Addresses YOUR Feedback!

Hey, Toons! It’s been just over two months since we released the Sellbot Task Force Expansion -- Toontown Rewritten’s biggest update EVER -- and we hope you’re enjoying it! However, we know you all have had tons of feedback you’ve been sharing with us about the update, and we’re here for it.

Mailing Some Love This Valentoon's Season!

Lively Lizzie, take this ValenToon to Clerk Clara, will you? Chef Fritz! This one goes to Lil Oldman. And you! Where’d you come from? You’re not a Toon Trooper! Don’t tell me you’re here with more ValenToons for me to mail out… No? Phew. I’ve got enough on my gloves already.
