blackboard discussion board deleted posts because subject

by Hilma Effertz I 9 min read

How do I recover a discussion post on Blackboard?

On the Discussions List page, click Restore from the More Actions button. Click Restore beside the forum or topic you want to restore. Click Yes.Jan 17, 2022

Can a student delete a discussion post on Blackboard?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

Can professors see deleted discussion posts?

Note: Course instructors can see that you deleted your replies in the discussion.Jun 1, 2021

How do I recover deleted forum posts?

If the post you restore is a reply to another post, and the other post was also deleted, both posts are restored....Restore a deleted forum or topic:On the Discussions List page, from the More Actions.Click Restore beside the forum or topic you want to restore.A confirmation message will display. Click Yes.

Can you delete a reply on Blackboard discussion board?

You can edit or delete your replies if allowed by your instructor. If you post a reply in error and the options to edit or delete don't appear, contact your instructor. Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions.

What does collapse all mean on blackboard?

Select Collapse to minimize a post and increase the vertical screen space. If your instructor enabled the rate posts feature in a forum's settings, Overall Rating displays the average rating for a post. When you point to the rating area, it changes to show Your Rating.

Can Professor see deleted discussion posts on canvas?

Note that you can't see what they've deleted, nor what the edited post used to say, only that the post has been edited or deleted. If you haven't disabled editing and are trying to use the setting that requires students to post before seeing the postings of others, students may be able to circumvent your intentions.

Can teachers see deleted items on SeeSaw?

Self-explanatory. Teachers need the ability to recover a post that was deleted accidentally, especially things like video and voice recordings that were created directly in SeeSaw, and therefore cannot simply be uploaded from Drive or the device's hard drive.May 27, 2021

Can a teacher see a deleted message on canvas?

Can teachers see deleted comments on canvas? The deleted posts or edited posts cannot be seen, or the original posts.

Where is the recycle bin in Blackboard?

On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Content Area Management. Select Manage Recycle Bins. In the Use Recycle Bin field for the desired content area, select Yes.

Can teachers see deleted discussion posts on D2L?

Currently in Brightspace, students can delete their own threads and posts (replies to threads). However, deleted threads and posts are still viewable by instructors. This option can be toggled on or off, depending on your preference.Jun 23, 2021

How do I recover a discussed post on canvas?

How do I restore pages, discussions, etc. in Canvas?Navigate to your course homepage. Need help? ... In the url, type "/undelete" From your course homepage, navigate to the url link and type /undelete immediately after the website link. ... Choose the item you would like to restore. Then click Restore.Apr 19, 2018