blackboard cwoley

by Dr. Orlando Wisoky I 10 min read

How does blackboard work for online coursework?

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How do I get help with technical assistance on Blackboard?

Cowley utilizes Blackboard as its Learning Management System (LMS) for online coursework. Every class, including face-to-face classes, has a Blackboard course shell which instructors can utilize to post course materials, assignments, assessments, their gradebook and more. When to Log into Blackboard

Do I have to take the blackboard orientation?

For Online College support requests by email, use [email protected]. Help Desk Phone Number All support requests through the Blackboard Help Desk phone number or live chat will be answered by a Cowley Help Desk representative. Call 1-877-759-0021 Request more information by emailing us at [email protected] Call Now 1-800-593-2222

When to Log into Blackboard

You will be able to log into Blackboard after you have enrolled. However, your courses will not be available until the first day of class.

Who Has to Complete the Required Blackboard Orientation?

All Cowley students are expected to complete the Blackboard Orientation before having access to courses or course materials in Blackboard. Students who have completed the orientation once will not have to take it again for three years.

Password Questions

Students that need to reset their password or have never logged into Blackboard and do not know their password should contact the Cowley Help Desk.

New Student Passwords

All new student passwords are being randomly generated by the Student Information System. The same randomly generated password is carried over to the student Cowley login after being enrolled. All students receive this randomly generated password along with their username to their personal email address when they apply on the Cowley website.

Blackboard Help Desk for Technical Assistance

Access to technical assistance on Blackboard is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Go to the Cowley Help Desk portal to access the Blackboard Help Desk.

Online Support Center

Use our Online Support Center to browse Blackboard and technical self-help articles, technical help with Blackboard login or other needs, or to schedule an appointment for assistance at your convenience.

Support via email for online students

For Online College support requests by email, use [email protected].

Help Desk Phone Number

All support requests through the Blackboard Help Desk phone number or live chat will be answered by a Cowley Help Desk representative.