blackboard customer service advisor salary

by Nikita Nienow 5 min read

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How much does Blackboard Inc. in the United States pay?

The average Blackboard Inc. salary ranges from approximately $33,794 per year for Technical Support Manager to $170,451 per year for Development Director. Average Blackboard Inc. hourly pay ranges from approximately $10.93 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $18.00 per hour for Technical Advisor.

Good environment for modern introvert

I was supporting 2 departments before I resigned, however with the increase in work, the compensation didn’t follow. Great opportunity for: job experience, independent work, remote work (no commute), and they supply all necessary equipment and training (3-4 weeks paid).

Great Work place!

I really enjoyed this job. Overall a good place to work!!! I had a great coach. I think the pay could be better but I liked this job it was also work from home.

Not enough training

They job itself should definitely be paying more for the amount of work you need to do. Constant layoffs and always hiring. Only train for 2 weeks and way too much to learn in that time.

How much should you be earning?

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How much does a Customer Service Representative make at Blackboard Inc. in the United States?

Average Blackboard Inc. Customer Service Representative hourly pay in the United States is approximately $11.37, which is 17% below the national average.

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1,377 Blackboard employees have shared their salaries on Glassdoor. Select your job title and find out how much you could make at Blackboard.

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Fun work with managers who care

I realize my experience may not be the same for everyone but the manager of my team really fought for us to have a good work environment and good pay. There was a lot of opportunity for growth and I felt valued overall

Great at-home position

Technical Support learned how to troubleshoot computers and assisted callers with forgotten passwords. The call volume was actually not that high, 1 call every other hour.

Training Is Horrible

I think if the trainers actually knew what they were talking about and took the job serious it would have been better. We weren't even told how to greet customers on the phone, or end calls. We had no idea what the company even was until a Sup told us on day 1.

Not the best

This is not a fun place to work, and actively tries to break your spirit. I wasn't working here when they shifted to work from home, but I doubt it's changed too much. I wholly suggest looking elsewhere.

Team environment

They create an excellent environment. I really felt like part of a team. Everyone including management was a pleasure to work with. Plenty of overtime offered. very technical job.

Great atmosphere

Flexibility of working from home and consistency on expectations. It's a great company to work for and your co workers are super supportive. You have a support line if you get stuck as well


The job is ok. It does not pay well at all. The only plus is that you work from home. They will lay you off without any prior notice and for no reason at all. There are better companies to work for.
