blackboard cuny huntwe

by Tatyana Mayert 3 min read

How do I access blackboard for my course?

Blackboard is a resource for online learning available to the entire CUNY community.

What version of Blackboard does CUNY use?

To report a blackboard related problem please email us at [email protected] If experiencing connectivity related issues with Blackboard, please visit the following link and provide the one line message in your email, so that we can better diagnose the issue Print this

Who do I contact for more information about the Blackboard environment?

blackboard Info blackboard faculty-docs student-docs Document Actions Print this Faculty and Staff Helpdesk [email protected] P: 212-772-HELP P: 212-772-4357 F: 212-772-5799 …

What is blackboard (BB)?

Blackboard — Hunter College Blackboard Please see the attached documents for archiving courses, bFree and course copying. Prior to CUNY archiving, instructors can use Blackboard's Export tool to save zip file copies of Blackboard courses on their local computers. Follow this link for instructions on exporting your Blackboard courses.

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard (Bb) is a web-based learning management system, which provides instructors with tools for organizing and designing virtual classroom space.

How to access Blackboard?

Blackboard is accessed via the link with your CUNY login credentials.

Blackboard documentation

A number of PDF files and video tutorials are available on this website:

Academic Planning

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