blackboard csccc

by Raina Kirlin 10 min read

How do I log into my CSCC email?

To access email: To login, click the Email - Office 365 button and use your student email address ([email protected]) and password to access your account.

What is my Cougar ID CSCC?

1. Visit 2. Click “Discover My Login Name/password” or “Discover My Cougar ID.” Enter your information and click “Discover.” 3.

Does Columbus State have an app?

Blackboard Mobile App The app is available for download in the iTunes App Store for Apple devices and Google Play marketplace for Android devices. To get the app, click the link above or search for "Blackboard Mobile Learn" in your app store or marketplace.

Where is the main CSCC Library located?

Library services are available at both the Columbus Campus Library in Columbus Hall and the Delaware Campus at the Learning Center in Moeller Hall. The library offers a wide variety of materials in the form of books, ebooks, dvds, databases, and periodicals.

How long is Wintermester at Collin College?

Wintermester classes are an opportunity for students to earn credit for Collin College or transfer credits for another university during the traditional winter break of December and January. All three of the college's main campuses will host Wintermester offerings from Dec. 18-22 and Jan. 3-10.Oct 20, 2017

Where can I pick up a Cougar Card?

How do I get my Cougar Card?Incoming students will receive instructions to upload their photo online before orientation.Current students and employees can get their card at Campus Services HQ at 162 Calhoun Street. We can take your photo and have your card ready in minutes.

How do I add my CSCC email to my Iphone?

Go to Settings.Select Passwords & Accounts.Click Add Account.Select Microsoft Exchange (or Exchange) from the list.For Email enter your full student or employee e-mail address. ... Enter a Description of your choosing, and click Next.From the pop-up, choose Sign In.Select Work or school account.More items...•Oct 10, 2019

How much is the application fee for Columbus State University?

The application deadline is June 30 and the application fee at Columbus State University is $40.

How many students go to CSCC?

27,109 (2016)Columbus State Community College / Total enrollment

Where is the CSCC Writing Center located?

Writing Center on the Delaware Campus Drop-in writing assistance is available at the Learning Center (Moller Hall 149).Jan 22, 2020

Does Columbus State have a library?

The Columbus State Library is located on Columbus State Community College's downtown campus, occupying all three floors of Columbus Hall.Jan 13, 2022

Is the Columbus State library open?

Library Hours: Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.