blackboard collaborate how to share screen

by Samson Stamm 3 min read

How do I share content in Blackboard Collaborate?

May 18, 2021 · From a Chrome browser, open the Collaborate panel and select the Share Content tab. Select Share Application/Screen. Select the Chrome Tab option. Select the Share audio check box. Choose the tab you want to share from the list. 2. Sharing your Screen or Applications | Blackboard Collaborate …. …

How do I screen share with collaborate?

Jun 17, 2020 · Blackboard Collaborate. If you need to share your computer screen with Collaborate participants, there are three options. To access these options click on the Share icon bottom right. then on the Share Application/Screen …

How do you show presentations on Blackboard ultra?

Nov 25, 2021 · Answer. 1) Go to the third icon (featuring an arrow) in the Collaborate panel (bottom left of the screen). 2) Select Share Application/Screen. 3) Select Entire Screen. 4) If you have multiple screens, select the thumbnail of the screen you wish to share and click the Share button. 4. Blackboard Collaborate: Sharing your screen – Blackboard …

How do I share an application or screen on workplace?

Oct 08, 2021 · Ask Us: Learning Technology (NILE) 1) Go to the third icon (featuring an arrow) in the Collaborate panel (bottom left of the screen). 2) Select Share Application/Screen. 3) Select Entire Screen. 4) If you have multiple screens, select the thumbnail of the screen you wish to share and click the Share button. 5.


How do I share my screen on Blackboard Collaborate?

Answer Go to the third icon (featuring an arrow) in the Collaborate panel (bottom left of the screen). Select Share Application/Screen. Select Entire Screen. ... If you have multiple screens, select the thumbnail of the screen you wish to share and click the Share button.More items...•Sep 23, 2021

Why can't I share my screen on Blackboard Collaborate?

Check that your browser is fully up-to-date. If you see the message that Application sharing is starting but the screen does not start sharing, stop and restart the application sharing. ... Check your browser settings to make sure that the browser has permission to share your screen or application.Jan 29, 2021

Can you see everyone on Blackboard Collaborate?

Open the Attendees list to view all attendees. Open the Collaborate panel and select Attendees. At-a-glance you see: The roles of each attendee.

How do I share my ipad screen on Blackboard Collaborate?

In your Bb Collaborate session, navigate to the "Share Content" tab. Select on "Share Application/screen" in order to reveal the open applications on your computer (which can then be shared - you must have the application open for it to be available here.)Aug 27, 2021

Share Entire Screen

This will share everything on your screen. If you have two monitors, you can choose which to share.

Share Application Window

This allows you to share an application – for instance Excel or Photoshop.

1. Have all participants join your Bb Collaborate session

This can be done via your Quercus class or via the Guest URL. Role changes are done in session, after attendees have joined the session.

2. When ready to invite sharing, navigate to the "Attendees" tab of the "Collaborate" Panel

Select on the Collaborate Panel to expand it. (Note: If you panel is collapsed, it will be marked with an "arrow" icon.)

3. Select on the "Attendee" controls and select "Make presenter" from the list of options

Expand the "attendee controls" menu (indicated by the three dots) to show all options available to you (as the moderator).

4. Confirm new role in session

Student 1 now appears under the category, "Presenter." Role change has been successful.

5. Verbally direct the student to begin sharing their screen via the "Share Content" tab

After you've enabled their ability to share, you might want to encourage them to do so. They might not even realize that their status has been changed, to allow for this functionality, so it is always recommended to walk everyone through what you are doing and how you intend for it to be used within the session.

6. Revert "Presenter" back to "Participant" (when sharing is complete)

Upon completion of the task, you might want to revert the person's status back to "Participant." You do this by reversing what you did above:
