blackboard clicker registration syr

by Julia Goyette 5 min read

How do I register a clicker to a Blackboard course?

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How do I Turn on single sign-on (SSO) on Blackboard?

Aug 11, 2020 · To register your clicker: 1. Log into Blackboard and go to one of your courses 2. Go to the "Tools" section of the course, scroll down to the bottom and click the "Turning Account Registration (clickers)" link 3. You will be redirected to the "NetID Single Sign On" page. Login with your NetID and NetID password

How do I Register my clicker in my class?

To register your clicker: 1. Log into Blackboard and go to one of your courses 2. Go to the "Tools" section of the course, scroll down to the bottom and click the "Turning Account Registration (clickers)" link 3. You will be redirected to the "NetID Single Sign On" page. Login with your NetID and NetID password

What is blackboard app?

PHY 212 Syllabus Spring 2011 Page 2 Course Details Instructors Matthew LaHaye, Assistant Professor of Physics. e-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: 315 -443-2564.


Missing Subscription Check Mark

If there is not a checkmark next to Subscription then you will need to click on the plus ( +) sign above Add or Purchase a Subscription and either add the Subscription code that came with your clicker or purchase a subscription from the Turning Technologies site.

Missing Response Device Checkmark

If you are using a physical clicker and there is not a checkmark next to Response Device, you will need to click on the plus ( +) sign above Add or Purchase a Clicker and enter your Clicker ID (sometimes referred to as Device ID on older clickers) located on the back of your device.

Missing Learning Management System Check Mark

If there is a checkmark missing from Learning Management System, then you need to go back and make that connection between your Turning Account and Blackboard.

Not Receiving Clicker Points

You can check to see if you’re receiving your clicker points by logging into Blackboard and accessing the My Grades section of your course. If you don’t seem to be getting credit for your clicker question answers, follow these steps:
