best way to keep a blackboard discussion lively

by Vivienne Satterfield 3 min read

What is blackboard discussion tool?

Jun 19, 2020 · Another way to have fun with this is to ask students to only give a five-star rating to one reply—the answer they think is the most insightful. It’s an evaluative approach, but it could stimulate discussion as to why a particular answer was the best (thus encouraging deeper engagement with course content).

What can I do on the discussion board?

Best Practice: Effective Discussion Questions. ... You can develop guiding questions and use them in a number of ways: Students can work in small groups to develop their own guiding questions to help them answer the essential question. ... Blackboard has many products. Let us help you find what you need.

What is the best way to keep a discussion going?

Feb 15, 2021 · To copy, paste, and format into the Discussion Board, complete the following steps: Highlight the text of your Word document and then copy it by pressing CTRL (CMD on Mac) + C. Paste the text into the Content Editor in Blackboard by place your cursor within the Content Editor text box for your response, and press CTRL (CMD on Mac) + V to paste the text.

How do I reply to a post in a blackboard thread?

May 30, 2021 · Best Way To Grade Blackboard Discussion Forums May 30, 2021 by Admin If you are looking for best way to grade blackboard discussion forums , …


How can I make my discussion board more interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

How can I make my online discussion more interactive?

Nine simple ways to increase student engagement in online discussion forums:Attach Photos, Images, Videos, Tweets, Links, etc,: ... Read All the Posts: ... Respond to Students with a Question, Affirmation, or Feedback: ... Ask Questions and Challenge Your Students to Think: ... If a Discussion Is Lagging, Try Re-Framing the Question:More items...•Feb 22, 2022

What is the 3CQ method?

Budd has also helped introduce to the university a discussion post format known as 3CQ, developed by Jennifer Stewart-Mitchell, a K-12 teacher who frequently publishes curriculum ideas. Each student's response must include a compliment, a comment, a connection (3C) and a question (Q).Mar 27, 2019

What are the best practices for online discussions?

Online Discussions: Tips for StudentsDevelop a thesis, argument, or question. ... Use keywords in your title. ... Encourage discussion. ... Make postings short, clear, and purposeful. ... Your stance need not be forever. ... Other practical considerations for discussion board postings. ... Make the context clear. ... Add value to the conversation.More items...

How do you facilitate a virtual group discussion?

Tips for Facilitating a Virtual Group ConversationOpen the room early for people who don't know the platform. ... Set ground rules. ... Call on participants or set up a routine for who speaks when. ... Give people the option to pass. ... If you're running short on time, use the chat box for an icebreaker. ... Limit your screen-sharing.Sep 29, 2020

How can I improve my online class participation?

How to increase student participation in online discussions#1: Embed online discussion into course design. ... #2: Explain why participation is required. ... #3: Require quality, not quantity. ... #4: Provide feedback to everyone. ... #5: Don't worry about introverts. ... #6: Provide guidelines for constructive conversation.More items...

How long should discussion board posts be?

75-150 wordsPosts should be within a range of 75-150 words. Make certain that all posts and responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion.

What makes a good discussion post?

Good discussion threads should be substantial but concise: convey only the information that is most meaningful and accessible to your classmates. Make sure to always re-read your response! A good habit is to copy and paste your thread into a Word document prior to posing to check for errors in spelling and grammar.May 13, 2021

Are discussion boards effective?

Discussion boards help to create a social presence in an online course along with a sense of community. Presence and community, in turn, can foster emotional connections. They also improve student learning and can create greater feelings of satisfaction with the course.

How do you moderate an online discussion?

Your Weekly Eureka MomentMassage the conversation with questions or statements that develop further inquiry.Remember to share the air. ... Thank people for their comments. ... Remember that as a moderator, your job is to help continue the conversation going, not to engage in debate.More items...•Sep 16, 2010

How do you manage a discussion?

Do:Model the behavior and attitudes you want group members to employ. ... Use encouraging body language and tone of voice, as well as words. ... Give positive feedback for joining the discussion. ... Be aware of people's reactions and feelings, and try to respond appropriately. ... Ask open-ended questions. ... Control your own biases.

How long should an online discussion post be?

Original posts should consist of at least 150 words. Try not to exceed 300 words; however, no points will be deducted for longer postings. Response postings should consist of at least 75 words. Try not to exceed 300 words; however, no points will be deducted for longer postings.

What makes a good discussion post?

Good discussion threads should be substantial but concise: convey only the information that is most meaningful and accessible to your classmates. Make sure to always re-read your response! A good habit is to copy and paste your thread into a Word document prior to posing to check for errors in spelling and grammar.May 13, 2021

How can I improve my forum activity?

10 Ways to Make Your Online Community or Forum More ActiveCreate an onboarding process for your community.Create a guided video course about how to use your forums best.Encourage progress logs or other types of forums that require regular interaction.Spend time in the community yourself.More items...

How long should discussion board posts be?

75-150 wordsPosts should be within a range of 75-150 words. Make certain that all posts and responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion.

How do you write a thoughtful response?

Tips for Writing Thoughtful Discussion ResponsesAsk open-ended questions to promote discussion. Open-ended questions require individuals to write more than a simple one- or two-word answer. ... Don't be afraid to disagree. ... Give reasons for your opinion. ... Think outside the box. ... Include outside resources.May 31, 2012

How do you start a discussion post about yourself?

Your introduction should be no shorter than 250 words in length and should give us a general idea of your interests and goals. You may want to explain your decision to come to SCC, your major, your career goals, and where you see yourself in the next five years.May 31, 2016

How can I make my discussion board more interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

How do you manage a discussion forum?

Developing Discussion Board QuestionsFind inspiration. ... Include open ended questions. ... Look for ways to showcase critical thinking. ... Determine your objective. ... Decide how students will post. ... Post explicit engagement guidelines. ... Model discussion posts for students. ... Enforce proper netiquette.More items...•Jul 6, 2020

How would you keep an online forum engaged?

5 Best Practices to Increase Engagement on Your Forum-Based WebsiteSpend Time in the Community. It's important for you to be a part of your own forum. ... Encourage Progress Logs. ... Promote Members of Your Community to Special Positions. ... Hold Community-Wide Events and Contests. ... Send Weekly Update Messages.Sep 5, 2019

How many words is a good discussion post?

One initial posting and 1 response posting is required, as a minimum, for each discussion forum/board. Original posts should consist of at least 150 words. Try not to exceed 300 words; however, no points will be deducted for longer postings.

What should the goal of a discussion be?

The goal of a discussion is to get students to practice thinking about the course material.

How do you agree to a discussion board?

There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because...” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but...” If you disagree with someone's post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it's different from your own.

Edit A Forum

  • As a discussion progresses, you can edit forum settings to solve any issues. For example, if students are posting to the wrong topic, you can fine-tune the forum name or description to clarify the forum's purpose. You can also choose to create all forums at the beginning of the term and make them unavailable. When you need a forum, edit the forum to make it available. 1. On the Di
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Edit A Thread

  • You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts. 1. Open a forum and select a thread. 2. On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit. 3. The editor appears. Make edits while you view the origin…
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Delete Forums and Threads

  • When you delete a forum or thread, all content is permanently deleted. You won't be able to refer to the posts if a student wants to dispute a grade. For a less permanent solution, you can make a forum unavailable. When you delete graded discussion content, you control if the Grade Center column and scores are also deleted. 1. Open a forum or thread's menu and select Delete. 2. Sele…
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Organize Forums

  • You can reorganize discussions to help students focus on the most relevant content. When you create a forum, it appears at the bottom of the list. You can move the current forum to the top or delete forums that are no longer relevant. Reorder forums with the drag-and-drop function. You can also use the keyboard accessible reordering tool.
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Copy A Forum

  • You can copy discussion forums and add them to the current discussion board or to a group discussion board in the same course. You can copy a forum, the settings, and the posts, or copy just a forum's settings. To copy discussion board forums to another course, use the copy course utility. Example: Copy the entire forum If two distinct topics emerge during a discussion, you ca…
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Add A Discussion Link on The Course Menu

  • You can include a link on the course menu for instant access to the discussions tool. You can also customize the name of the link. 1. Select the Add Menu Itemicon above the course menu to access the menu. 2. Select Tool Link. 3. Type a Namefor the link. 4. From the Type menu, select Discussion Board. 5. Select the Available to Userscheck box. 6. Select Submit. The new tool link …
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Add A Discussion Link in A Course Area

  • You can incorporate the discussion board into course areas, allowing students to access the tool alongside content. In a content area, add a forum link following lecture notes to gather questions on the material presented or after an assignment to gather students' perceptions of how they did. You can add adaptive release rules or date availability restrictions to limit students' access. The…
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