austin community college blackboard faculty support

by Prof. Santina Heaney 7 min read

How do I contact Austin Community College?

Get HelpRequest Support.Call us at 512-223-4636.Student Help Desk.

Does Austin Community College use Blackboard?

Blackboard is the learning management system for Austin Community College (ACC). Every face-to-face, hybrid, and online course has a corresponding Blackboard course site.Oct 15, 2021

What is Blackboard ACC?

Blackboard is an ACC supported Web site that provides access to course information and a variety of instructional tools designed to help you. This handout will explain how to use some of the features of Blackboard. The main focus will be on using the electronic Discussion Board and the Virtual Classroom.

What is my Austin Community College email address?

IMPORTANT: The assigned format for ACC student email (ACCmail) is firstname. lastname @

Does ACC use canvas?

AACC uses a learning management system (LMS) called Canvas to deliver all credit (and some noncredit) online and hybrid courses. Many on-campus courses also use Canvas. Through Canvas, students can receive course updates and reminders.

How do I log into Blackboard?

Here's how you can log in to Blackboard: Go to Enter your ACCeID and password. Click Sign In.

How do I get a ACC email account?

Activating your ACC email account.The first step is to go to the ACC web Sign in.Your username is. firstname.lastname. Your password is. XXXXMMDDYY.Type in Security. Characters. Create Password.Click “I Accept” On bottom of. page.Now you have activated your ACCmail.More items...

How do I get a ACC account?

Non-members may register for access by selecting the “Create an Account” link that appears at the top of every page. Select the “I have not registered” radio button and then click continue. Enter your information in the registration form to proceed with non-member registration.

What is my Austin Community College username?

It is the first initial of your first name, and your unique ACC ID# printed on your id card.