blackboard or ilearn

by Prof. Coleman Kuphal 5 min read

What is iLearn? iLearn, or UCR's Blackboard, is our official learning management system. Students can login at and find their current courses.

Full Answer

Is iLearn the same as Blackboard?

iLearn, or UCR's Blackboard, is our official learning management system.

What is iLearn ucr?

What is iLearn/Blackboard? iLearn/Blackboard, or UCR's Blackboard, is our official learning management system. Instructors can login at and find their current and previous courses.

Is iLearn canvas?

eLearn, or UCR's Canvas, is a new learning management system similar to iLearn or Blackboard. Students can log in at and find their current courses. Below we've provided a Quick Start Guide as well as links to more in-depth eLearn Student Guides.

Does ucr use canvas or blackboard?

UCR is switching to Canvas LMS. Courses offered through canvas make it possible to access assignments, discussions, quizzes, and grades from your laptop, desktop, phone, and/or tablet.

How do I check my grade on iLearn?

To see your grade, go to your desired course and click Grades on the left-hand side.You can view the name of the assignment, the assignment due date, the score you earned, and the total point value of the assignment. ... You may also see an icon in the score column indicating the type of assignment you submitted.

How do I create an exam in iLearn?

Once you are logged into your course in iLearn, Click "Assessments" and choose "Tests" from the dropdown menu. Choose "Create." This will take you to "Test Information" where you will give your test a title along with a description and instructions (optional).

Does BYU Idaho use canvas?

After a thorough evaluation of the Canvas Learning Management System, we are excited to announce BYU-Idaho's decision to use Canvas as our official LMS.

What is aw in college?

'W's on a transcript simply means you withdrew from a class after a certain date during the semester. And that date usually follows the last day you can drop classes without a grade. Make sure you know what date that is. One of the benefits of a 'W' is that it will not be calculated into your GPA.

Is Ad passing in college?

At most schools, a D is the lowest passing grade. That means students who earn a D or higher receive credit for the course. However, some schools set special policies around D grades.Aug 4, 2021

How do you access classes at ucr?

Browse courses in the General Catalog, download it to your mobile device or print it out by section. A catalog course search is also available at or via the "Registration" icon in R'Web.

How do I access my online classes ucr?

Log in to eLearn (Canvas): Accessing your online course begins at eLearn. Use your UCR NetID to login and access your course through the CAS login link. If you have enrolled in previous online courses at UCR University Extension, your UCR NetID and password will be the same as for previous courses.

How do I check my grades at ucr?

You can view and print your unofficial transcript via the Transcripts and Verifications icon in R'Web. In addition, you can view and print your grades by quarter via the Academic History icon or utilize the View Grades option within the Student Profile icon.