a blackboard in french

by Stephen Smitham Sr. 4 min read

Is Blackboard masculine or feminine?

I understand that you use the article 'die' when talking about a feminine object, das when the subject is neutral, and der when talking about a masculine object....Translation by Vocabulix.EnglishSpanishblackboardla pizarra4 more rows

What does Enchante mean?

delightedWord forms: enchanté, enchantée. adjective. 1. (= ravi) delighted.

What is exercise books in French?

noun. (for writing in) cahier m.

What is table called in French?

nounFromToVia• table→ tableau↔ tabel• table→ table↔ dis• table→ table↔ dis• table→ barèmetableautableclassement↔ Tabelle2 more rows

What is La Plouc?

Plouc is a pejorative French expression used about someone who is a little bit country, in the most literal sense. It originated in Brittany in the late 19th century and means paysan (peasant) in the regional accent there.Oct 5, 2020

What is Mon Cheri?

What does mon chéri mean? Mon chéri means “my dear” or “sweetheart” in French. It's an adorable term of endearment for a male person someone is fond of, romantically or platonically.Oct 25, 2018

How do you say textbook in French?

Livre destiné à l'apprentissage d'une matière scolaire ou d'un métier....noun.FromToVia• textbook→ livre de classemanuel↔ leerboek• textbook→ manuel scolairetraité↔ Lehrbuch

How do you say sharpener in French?

0:000:06How to pronounce 'Un taille-crayon ' (sharpener) in French?YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipUn taille crayon un taille crayon un taille crayon.MoreUn taille crayon un taille crayon un taille crayon.

What is excise book in French?

exercise book. cahier d'exercices SCHOOL. exercise book. il tient son cahier très proprement.

What is Radio called in French?

Jeter, envoyer des rayons....Wiktionary.FromToVia• radio→ radioradiodiffusion↔ Rundfunk5 more rows

How do you pronounce Sur La table?

0:301:00How to Pronounce Sur la Table? (CORRECTLY) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipLa table mais négligent américaine et be found to prononcer sur leur table sur la table sur la tableMoreLa table mais négligent américaine et be found to prononcer sur leur table sur la table sur la table au in french.

What is your name in French?

Comment vous appelez-vous ? (“What's your name?” formal)Apr 21, 2020