what to put in content collection blackboard home page

by Paul Shanahan Sr. 9 min read

How do I access the content collection in Blackboard?

Set up customized authentication flow page. You can customize the routing between pages in Blackboard Learn. Your institution can customize routing by uploading a custom login page to Blackboard Learn server (through the Customize Login Page link on the system Control Panel), or by implementing the requestAuthenticate() method on the HttpAuthModule interface.

How is Blackboard Learn SaaS content collection different from self-hosting?

The Content Collection is a file repository with several sophisticated features for working with content. If your institution licenses content management, these features are fully integrated with Blackboard Learn. The Content Collection provides repositories for Blackboard Learn courses and users, and is managed through the Administrator Panel.

How do I use the content collection?

The Content Collection is accessed from the Control Panel in any course. There are five sections: Course Content— this is labeled with the Course ID and stores all of the files for the course you are currently in; Personal Content—this is labeled with your SU userID and allows storage of personal or non-course files. All Courses Content— used to store files for all your courses. …

How do I link a page to another page in Blackboard?

Edit content. If you have read and write permission for a folder and the files within it, you can edit these files. To edit a file such as a written document, download it to your system by selecting Download Package in the file's menu. Make your edits and then re …

How do I use content collection in Blackboard?

To access the Content Collection in Blackboard, log into your Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on Content Collection to view links related to the Content Collection: Click on the Course ID to access the Content Collection for the current course.Mar 6, 2019

What is content collection?

Blackboard's Content Collection is a file repository that allows faculty and students to store, manage, and share content. The Content Collection functions as a virtual hard drive that can be accessed from any computer by logging into a user's Blackboard account.

What is a content folder in Blackboard?

Content areas, such as Users, Courses, Institution, and Library, are folders stored under the root folder. A folder is automatically available to the user who created it, and may also be visible to other users if you create it in the course area.

How do I create a content area in Blackboard?

How to create a new Content Area for your Blackboard course and move it to the correct position in your Course Menu.Within your module, select the + at the top of the Course Menu. ... From the drop down menu, choose Content Area.Type in the name of your new Contant Area.More items...

How do I organize course content in Blackboard?

You can rearrange the order of content items (or folders) within a course content area, simply by dragging each item to the desired position. Hover over the left-hand edge of an item and your mouse pointer will change to a four-headed arrow. Use this to drag and reposition the item or folder.Feb 28, 2019

How do I add content to a folder?

Adding items to foldersIn the Folders list, select the folder to add items to and click the Contents tab.Click Add Existing.Select an item Type. The items displayed depend on the selected type.Select the items to add to the folder.Click Add.Tip: You can also add items already in a folder to different folders.

What is a content folder?

Content folders offer a familiar, tree-like structure that provides convenient access to files on a content server without having to use that server's own user interface (web-based or otherwise). They are essentially like the directories on your local computer, but they point to virtual locations on the content server.

How do I add content to a blackboard module?

QUICK STEPS: adding items to a Learning ModuleIn Edit Mode, on the Course Menu, click the Content Area containing the Learning Module.On the Content Area page, click the Learning Module's title.On the Learning Module's Action Bar, point to Build Content and click Item.On the Create Item page, enter a Name.More items...

What is the difference between content area and module page in Blackboard?

Unlike the content folder, a learning module will give you and your students a table of contents that automatically lists the content you put within the module. You can enforce sequential viewing of the items in the learning module, so students will need to access the items in the order than you determine.Jul 29, 2021

Where is the content area in Blackboard?

The new content area is created at the bottom of the upper part of the left menu. You can drag it by the left edge to reposition if desired. Click on the new left menu link to enter the content area. Open a course area, such as a Content Area, Learning Module, or folder.

Viewing the Content Collection from Within a Course

Under the Control Panel in your course, you’ll see a link called Content Collection. When you click on it to expand it, it looks like this:

Deleting Files

This is also where you can delete files that are no longer being linked to in your course. Often if you’ve been copying forward materials over several semesters, you will end up with a lot of files in the Course Files area that are no longer being used. To delete these files, you can use the dropdown menu next to the file name and choose Delete:

Personal File Storage and other Features of Content Collection

The second link is to your personal file management area. Its name will be the same as your user name. This is a good place to store files that may be used across several courses.

The Search Function

The search function will allow you to search across all content to which you have at least Read access.

Is there a best practice for online courses?

There is no single best practice for all courses. As more and more work is done online, however, courses should shift away from the use of downloadable files (such as Word and PowerPoint documents) and towards the use of content that is directly readable online, in the browser. Even PDFs, which require a plug-in or helper application in order to be viewed, may create an access barrier for some students and should, therefore, be converted to web pages where practical. Content that has been converted to web pages is easiest to keep up-to-date, and least likely to cause access barriers.

Can you use copyrighted images for educational purposes?

Be mindful about copyrighted images. Under the concept of “fair use,” you can use copyrighted images for educational purposes, but it’s polite to include a photo credit and a link to the source of your images.

What is the Content Collection?

Blackboard's Content Collection is a file repository that contains all of the files used in Blackboard courses and also allows faculty and students to store, manage, and share
 content. The Content Collection functions as a virtual hard drive that can be accessed from any computer by logging into a user's Blackboard account.

Navigating the Content Collection

The Content Collection is accessed from the Control Panel in any course. There are five sections:

Can you drag a folder of files?

If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn't allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attach in the folder's row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again.

Does Blackboard Learn work with read only?

Blackboard Learn automatically detects if Blackboard Drive is installed. If so, it changes the standard Open option for files on which the user has write permission to Open with Blackboard Drive. If you have read-only permissions, the file opens in the browser.

Can you edit files on Blackboard?

If your institution has access to content management features, you can edit and save files directly within Blackboard Learn. Easy Edit with Blackboard Drive integration lets you open a file for editing directly within the user interface and makes editing as simple as three steps: select, edit, and save.

Faculty Guides and Documentation

Faculty Guides and Documentation Faculty Guides and Documentation Blackboard Learn Managing the Content Collection What is the Content Collection?

What is the Content Collection?

The Content Collection serves as a repository for all the files the instructor has uploaded to the course. This section will discuss how to manage the content that has been uploaded to the Content Collection. The Content Collection also allows instructors to manage materials across all the courses they are enrolled in.

Viewing The Content Collection from Within A Course

Under the Control Panel in your course, you’ll see a link called Content Collection. When you click on it to expand it, it looks like this: The first link is to the course folder for the current course. Any files that you add to the course will be placed in this folder. You can create items and attachments the way you always have, and t…
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Deleting Files

  • This is also where you can delete files that are no longer being linked to in your course. Often if you’ve been copying forward materials over several semesters, you will end up with a lot of files in the Course Files area that are no longer being used. To delete these files, you can use the dropdown menu next to the file name and choose Delete: Or you can delete several files at once …
See more on tech.rochester.edu

Personal File Storage and Other Features of Content Collection

  • The second link is to your personal file management area. Its name will be the same as your user name. This is a good place to store files that may be used across several courses. Permissions information:If you link from one of your courses to files in your personal file folder, all users enrolled in the course will be given Read access. However, Write and Remove access is NOT aut…
See more on tech.rochester.edu

The Search Function

  • The search function will allow you to search across all content to which you have at least Read access. The All Organizations Content will serve the same purpose as the All Course Content link (Item 3) for any Organizations for which you are the Leader. The Institution area may eventually be used for administrative purposes across the University, or a particular school or department.
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II. The Course Menu

  1. Caution: Never delete the Course Content link from the course menu; this deletes not just the link but the content itself, and this action cannot be undone! You’ll only get one warning!
  2. The course menu on the upper left side of the screen is the main course navigation tool. To customize the course menu, click on the +button and a menu appears.
  3. If you’re building a new course from an empty course shell, you should first create a Course C…
  1. Caution: Never delete the Course Content link from the course menu; this deletes not just the link but the content itself, and this action cannot be undone! You’ll only get one warning!
  2. The course menu on the upper left side of the screen is the main course navigation tool. To customize the course menu, click on the +button and a menu appears.
  3. If you’re building a new course from an empty course shell, you should first create a Course Content Area, which will be the container for all course materials, by clicking the + button and choosin...
  4. Tool Link lets you create a shortcut to any frequently used Blackboard tool, such as the Discussion Board, Messages, etc.

IV. Using The Text Editor

  1. Paste from Word: You can copy/paste text directly from Microsoft Word into Bb Learn. Such content can be easily edited later in Blackboard. This works much better than using Word to convert the doc...
  2. Saving Changes: Nothing is saved until you click the Submit button at either the top or bottom of a page so get in the habit of submitting changes frequently to avoid losing work.
  1. Paste from Word: You can copy/paste text directly from Microsoft Word into Bb Learn. Such content can be easily edited later in Blackboard. This works much better than using Word to convert the doc...
  2. Saving Changes: Nothing is saved until you click the Submit button at either the top or bottom of a page so get in the habit of submitting changes frequently to avoid losing work.
  3. You can hide a page from students using the Optionsbelow the text editor window.
  4. Notice something that’s missing? There’s no simple way in Blackboard to link from one content page directly to another page somewhere else in the course. We’ve submitted that as a feature request,...

VI. Rearranging What Students See

  1. Drag and drop to re-order files and folders in the Course Content area and to rearrange the links in the Course Menu.
  2. When Edit Mode is ON, all files and folders in the Course Content area have an Action Linkbutton to the right of their name. Click on that button to access a menu with the option to Move, Edit, or...
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VIII. The Content Collection

  1. In the Course Management Control Panel under Content Collection, the first item listed is your course’s public file storagearea.
  2. The second item listed, with your NAU ID, is your private file storagearea.
  3. The Content Collection is the place where all files that you brought in from outsideBlackboard are stored. (Content pages created with Blackboard’s internal editor are not visible here.)
  1. In the Course Management Control Panel under Content Collection, the first item listed is your course’s public file storagearea.
  2. The second item listed, with your NAU ID, is your private file storagearea.
  3. The Content Collection is the place where all files that you brought in from outsideBlackboard are stored. (Content pages created with Blackboard’s internal editor are not visible here.)
  4. Take some time and organize your Content Collection. Organize this area into folders by course module or by file typeto keep it from becoming a mess because, if you don’t organize it, Blackboard wi...

IX. Best Practices in Content Creation

  • There is no single best practice for all courses. As more and more work is done online, however, courses should shift away from the use of downloadable files (such as Word and PowerPoint documents) and towards the use of content that is directly readable online, in the browser. Even PDFs, which require a plug-in or helper application in order to be viewed, may create an access b…
See more on in.nau.edu

X. Accessible Design

  • All course content should be designed for universal access. Media (audio and video) should have a text transcript. All important course graphics should have image descriptions. If you have questions about how to make your course more accessible, contact e-Learning and/or Disability Resourcesfor assistance.
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