york college blackboard videos

by Rachel Abernathy 8 min read

How do I access CUNY blackboard?

York College / CUNY 94 - 20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11451 P: 718-262-2000718-262-2000

How do I log in to Blackboard?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

What is the York online training course?

York College / CUNY 94 - 20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11451 P: 718-262-2000718-262-2000

How long does it take for Blackboard to pick up classes?

In your CUNY Dropbox, click on "All files" located on the left-hand side. If you are uploading videos without folders, follow Step 3. Otherwise, click on " > " symbol next to "All files" and click on the folder where the videos will be placed. Click "Upload" then "Files", select the video file, and click the Open button.


Uploading videos to Dropbox

In your CUNY Dropbox, click on "All Files" located on the left-hand side.

Uploading video folder to Dropbox

If you have a Video folder in your computer and wish to upload them to Dropbox, please follow these instructions:

Sharing video, disabling downloading, creating a password and adding a link to Blackboard

When sharing a video from Dropbox, students do not need to sign-in to view the video. Anyone who has the link can see the video. Optionally, you can create a password and provide it to anyone who needs access to the video.

Creating a Web link in your Blackboard course

Go to the Blackboard course where you want the video to be displayed. We recommend using the content area.

Pasting video shared link to Blackboard content editor

This option enables you to share your video with students in a discussion forum, blog, assignment, or anywhere in Bb where there is a content editor.

Setting up the automatic Closed Captions for the first time

In the Creator Studio Classic, go to Video Manager on the left-hand side then select "Videos"

Editing Closed Captions on the Creator Studio

The automatic Closed Captions provide a transcription of the video. However, some of the words may not match up, or the words need to adjust to a specific time. To edit the transcription, go to the Creator Studio Classic, head to the Subtitles/CC page and follow these instructions:

Advance Editing in YouTube CC

You can download the transcription, edit the text, upload them back to your video, and correct the timing. To do so, go to the Creator Studio Classic, head to the Subtitles/CC page and follow these instructions:

How to share a video in CUNY?

Creating a Share video link. In your CUNY Dropbox, click on "Files" located on the left-hand side and find the video you wish to share. Move your cursor to the video and click the "Share" button. A pop-up box appears. Do not add students or groups next to “To”.

How to upload videos to Dropbox?

Uploading videos to Dropbox. In your CUNY Dropbox, click on "Files" located on the left-hand side. If you are uploading videos without folders, follow Step 3. Otherwise, in your "My Files" section, click on the folder where the videos will be. Click "Upload files", select the video file, and click the Open button.

How to create a folder in Dropbox?

Here's how to create folders in Dropbox: In your CUNY Dropbox, click on "Files" located on the left-hand side. On the right, click "New Folder". Add a title and press "Create". Great, the new folder is created. If you wish to create another folder, click "My Files" on the left side and follow Steps 1 to 3 again.

How to create a link to a video?

Instead, click the “Create link” button at the bottom right and a link will be created. Then press "Link settings". For “Who has access,” choose “Anyone with link” or “People with password” and fill in a password. If you require a password, make sure to provide the password to anyone who would view your video.

Can you comment on a video?

Viewers will see your video and will not download the video. In this case, they cannot comment on the video. On the other hand, you can comment on your video at different time points like doing annotations or timestamps. People with the share link will view them by clicking on the Comment icon.

Can you share a video from Dropbox?

When sharing a video from Dropbox, anyone who has the link can see the video without signing in. You can also add the link by inserting it to the content editor such blog, journal, discussion board, and assignments.
