xt blackboard

by Claudia Ortiz 9 min read

Grades inside a course

In a course, you can access your Course Grades page on the navigation bar. Select the Gradebook icon to view the grades that your instructor posted.

Watch a video about checking grades

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

New grade alerts

When grades are posted, you'll find them in your activity stream. Select View your grade to display your grade.

Grades and feedback

If your instructor needs to grade questions in your assessment, Not graded appears in the Grading section.

Grade pills

Your instructor determines how to display your grade for each graded item:

View a feedback recording

Your instructor can leave a video or audio recording for additional feedback on your assessment grade. Recordings appear in the Feedback panel when your instructor assigns a grade for each submission.

Overall grade

The overall grade helps you keep track of how you're doing in each of your courses. You can see if you're on track for the grade you want or if you need to improve.

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