
by Tanner Gaylord 4 min read

What's on the South Texas College web site?

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Is South Texas College information systems subject to board policy 4714?

Fast Track Your Success. With our competency-based programs (CBE) you can earn your degree faster and with more flexibility. Learn More. Your Education. Anytime, Anywhere.

Where can I find the course syllabus for South Texas College?

Last 4 digits of your "A Number" (student ID number) Then add an exclamation mark (!). If you need to reset or change your password, visit MyPassword. If you are still having issues logging into Blackboard please contact the Distance Education Department at 956-872-2598, then dial 1.

What do I do if I am having issues logging into Blackboard?

Blackboard Users. In order to provide online students with the best possible user experience, you will now login to Blackboard via JagNet. This will keep the number of login prompts down and provide students with easy access to services they might need. For the time being, you may login to Blackboard normally: Login to Blackboard. Faculty/Staff

Instructor CVs

To locate an instructor's CV, use the field below to search for the term and instructor.

Course Syllabi

A syllabus for each course offered at South Texas College can be found by searching for the course in the Concourse Syllabi Management application. Refer to the Reference Guide for instructions on how to search for course syllabi.

End-of-Course Evaluations

End-of-course evaluations for courses taught at South Texas College can be found by searching by course or instructor in the Public Results page. Refer to the Reference Guide for instructions on how to search for results.