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©2015 Indiana Tech, 1600 E. Washington Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46803 Previous image Next image All Calendars Traditional Undergraduate CPS Undergraduate CPS Graduate Ph.D.
Indiana Tech is the area leader in online and on-campus education, and a quality degree from our university is among the most affordable in the Midwest. Thanks to generous regional and merit scholarships, grants and other financial aid programs, nearly 95% of our students receive substantial assistance in paying for college. ...
Blackboard Help. All courses are added to Blackboard with instructors and students enrolled to match the system of record. At a minimum, Blackboard should be used to maintain the syllabus for the class. Some faculty use Blackboard to maintain every grade in the course to allow students to monitor their progress in the course.
Log into Blackboard using the same username and password that are used for other applications at Indiana Tech.
You may customize a portion of Blackboard to your liking. For example, if there are old courses being displayed under My Course, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of that section and you can turn the display off from the list of courses.
Visit our Help Desk if you’re having any additional problems with your Blackboard account.