Users were unable to log into Blackboard (and some other Mason systems) from approximately 1:00 - 1:25pm ET on Monday, October 4. The issue is now resolved. Users already in Blackboard were not affected. Mobile Mason App. New to Mason? Need help navigating campus? Search for building on the maps, find campus events, access Blackboard, keep ...
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Feb 23, 2022 · To access Blackboard, log in to and select the … Whether you are a student, faculty, staff member, or a guest visiting the Mason campus, we have … Whether you are a student, faculty, staff member, or a guest visiting the Mason campus, we have …
Blackboard Courses provides a secure login system and tools to create and administer face-to-face and online courses. Some of these tools include discussion forums, student group areas, text-based and real-time chat, a gradebook for securely distributing grades to enrolled students, and assessment tools for administering quizzes and exams.
New courses are created when the registration period opens for that semester. For example, Fall Blackboard (Bb) courses are created in early April. Start with our beginning of semester checklist. All cross-listed courses in Patriot Web are automatically combined in Blackboard.
Should you require assistance, contact the Collaborative Learning Hub in the Johnson Center, Room 311, at 703-993-3141, or submit a Blackboard/myMason Help Request.