writing names on blackboard when student misbehaves

by Annalise Hettinger PhD 8 min read

Can you write names on a whiteboard?

Mar 30, 2019 · November 25, 2020 March 30, 2019. by Michael Linsin. It’s a common practice. One teachers have been doing since time immemorial. A student breaks a class rule and you write their name on the board. Check marks follow any further transgression. It’s a simple way of keeping track of consequences that also acts as a visual reminder to students.

Why do teachers put names on the board?

Sep 06, 2021 · A blackboard is a reusable writing surface on which text or drawings are made with sticks of … Students writing on a blackboard in a village school in Laos, 2007. 4.

What happens when you write your name on the board?

Blackboard Frequently Asked Questions: Student Issues Course Issues I am registered in several courses, but some of my classes are not showing up on my Blackboard site.Why aren't they listed? Instructors have to make a course available for any enrolledstudent to see it.

Should you suspend the practice of writing a student’s name on the board?

How do I create an assignment on Blackboard? How do I grade an assignment using the inline grading feature? How do I give a student another attempt on a test or assignment? How do I create a group assignment? How do I create a rubric? How do I grade items with student names hidden? How do I create set up an averages column in the Grade Center?


What can teachers do when a student misbehaves?

Give the misbehaving student a chance to respond positively by explaining not only what he or she is doing wrong, but also what he or she can do to correct it. Never resort to blame or ridicule. Avoid win-lose conflicts. Emphasize problem-solving instead of punishment.

Why did teachers write your name on the board?

It's a common practice. One teachers have been doing since time immemorial. A student breaks a class rule and you write their name on the board. ... It's a simple way of keeping track of consequences that also acts as a visual reminder to students.Mar 30, 2019

How do you document students behavior?

6 Ways to Collect Data on Your Students' BehaviorFrequency counts. To monitor behavior in real time in your classroom, you might consider using a tally and adding to it each time a behavior of concern occurs. ... Interval recording. ... Anecdotal recording. ... Reviews of school records.Feb 27, 2018

How do you deal with pupils with behavioral problems?

5 Tips To Get Back in Control of Your ClassroomDo What Your Students Don't Expect. ... Find Positive Things about Them. ... Don't Act too Bossy or Showcase Bad Modeling. ... Support Your Students' Sense of Belonging. ... Reprimand in a Different Manner.Jun 1, 2018

How do you deal with an unprofessional teacher?

5 Ways to Deal with Negative TeachersAddress the Behavior with the Teacher. ... Get Administration Involved. ... Learn to Properly Express Your Own Feelings. ... Remove Yourself from the Situation. ... Don't Let Go of Your Own Positivity.

What is considered unprofessional conduct for a teacher?

Unprofessional behavior by K12 teachers includes teachers who are uninterested in the success and wellbeing of their students, teachers who are unwilling to teach, and even those teachers who seem too busy with other things to teach.

How do you document misbehavior?

6 Tips for Properly Documenting Employee Behavior and Performance IssuesFocus on the Behavior — Not the Person. ... Be Careful Not to Embellish the Facts. ... Don't Contradict Previous Documentation. ... Identify the Rule or Policy Violated. ... Determine Consequences for Not Correcting the Problem.More items...•May 16, 2017

How do you document consequences in the classroom?

Slip a sheet or two of notebook paper under the roster so you can include notes regarding any repeated, unusual, or severe misbehavior. Because a warning is a courtesy to students, you won't need to describe a first and only incident of misbehavior occurring within a single day—although you certainly can.Feb 27, 2016

How do you record behavior?

Define three behaviors displayed by that person....Define the behavior that you wish to observe. ... Decide which type of behavioral recording is best suited to monitor the behavior.Decide when you will observe the behavior. ... Decide how long each of your observations will last. ... Observe and record the student's behavior.More items...

How do you respond to a disrespectful student?

How To Respond To A Disrespectful StudentLose the battle. When a student is disrespectful to you, you have to be willing to lose the battle. ... Don't take it personally. Disrespect comes from a place inside the student that has nothing to do with you. ... Stay calm. ... Pause. ... End it. ... Move on. ... Do nothing. ... Enforce.More items...•Feb 19, 2011

How do you deal with unruly students in the classroom?

10 Ways to Control an Unruly ClassBe the boss. Think of yourself as the commander in chief! ... Redirect Attention. ... Let the children call the shots... ... Give Incentives to Do Their Best. ... Keep an Eye Out. ... Establish Consequences for Misbehaving.Sep 20, 2019

How do you deal with aggressive students in the classroom?

Dealing With Student AggressionBe assertive when breaking up fights. ... Respond calmly but firmly to an aggressive student. ... Consider giving the student a time out. ... After the aggressive student cools down, talk with him privately. ... Have the student apologize.More items...

Rearrange modules on the homepage

After I log in, I'm taken to the Blackboard homepage where there is lots of university information organized into modules. However, some of the ways that modules are arranged make no sense to me, or put information that I don't need at the top of the screen.

Add relevant modules that I use often

One of my favorite ways that I customize my Blackboard homepage is by adding relevant modules that I use often. Many of my friends are often surprised to find out that they can get a notepad module for writing quick notes, or that there's a way to get updates on campus construction.

Collapse or remove modules

It's easy to get carried away with adding new modules and to forget the original goal of making Blackboard less cluttered and easier to see. Luckily, most modules can be collapsed or removed with no issues!

Configure MyTab

Instead of having a bunch of modules on one page, I prefer to use the MyTab page as a place for additional modules that I can customize further. For me, MyTab currently has a notepad, calculator, and research links so I can easily access information for my assignments.

Add custom URLs to course list

Within the Course List module, I can add up to 5 custom website links for accessing courses that are hosted on another website, or websites I visit often for my classes. For example, I have a link to my favorite online IDE so that I can easily open it in a new tab and work with code alongside the view of my course.

Display course menu in a new window

One of my professors loved to put a ton of information in the course menu, which I found somewhat difficult to read with large text. Instead of trying to magnify a relatively small amount of information on the page, I prefer to open the course menu in a new window, so that all of the information fits on the screen and is easier to magnify.

Add high contrast settings

People who use high contrast displays or inverted screens may benefit from adding high contrast settings that override the custom Blackboard color palettes.

Editing an Assignment

Locate the assignment that you wish to edit, and hover over the link for the assignment. Click the chevron button that appears next to the assignment and select Edit from the menu.

Setting up Assignment Information

Zoom: Image of the Assignment Information section with the following annotations: 1.Name and Color: Enter a name for the assignment here, and use the color selector to change the color of the assignment link.2.Instructions: Enter a description for the assignment using the provided textbox.

Attaching Files to the Assignment

Zoom: Image of Assignment Files with the Browse My Computer and Browse Course buttons.

Setting up the Assignment Due Date

Due Dates allows users to set a due date for the assignment. To set a due date, check the box and use the date and time pickers to set the due date. The due date will be recorded in the students' To Do module, and will create a calendar entry for the student. If students submit an assignment past the due date, the system will mark it as late.

Setting up Grading Information

Zoom: Image of the Grading section with the following annotations: 1.Name and Color: Enter a name for the assignment here, and use the color selector to change the color of the assignment link.2.Instructions: Enter a description for the assignment using the provided textbox.

Setting up the Assignment Availability

Zoom: Image of the Availability section showing the following annotations: 1.Make the Assignment Available: Check this box to make the assignment visible to students.2.Limit Availability: Check the boxes and use the date and time selectors to limit the availability of the dropbox.3.Track Number of Views: Check this box to enable statistics tracking on the item.4.When finished, click the Submit button to create the assignment..

What is reward and consequence?

Many teachers operate on a reward and consequence system. This system offers rewards to students who follow class rules and do what they are supposed to do, and assigns consequences to students who do not behave according to the rules set forth.

What happens if a student misbehaves?

Many teachers use a three-strike system. If a student misbehaves, his name is written on the blackboard. For the second offense, a check mark is placed by the name. If a third offense occurs, another check mark is written and a consequence is imposed.

What are the consequences of misbehaving students?

Consequences that teachers give to students who have misbehaved generally begin with a time-out or being required to stay in during recess. The next step is often making the child sit out during free time or fun time . The next step may be calling the student’s parents.

What are some rewards for a teacher?

Prizes are generally small items such as pencils, erasers and small toys. Some teachers also give out free homework passes, computer time and extra recesses. Other forms of rewards include acknowledging students who are behaving. During class a teacher may say, “I like the way Susan is doing her work.” This form of reward offers great encouragement to this student and others may try to model Susan’s behavior.
