why isnt ftcc blackboard working

by Kyra Spencer 5 min read

Do all FTCC courses have a blackboard component?

Oct 12, 2021 · If you are looking for why isnt ftcc blackboard working, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard for *Students – Fayetteville Technical Community … Blackboard for *Students* Login to Self-Service; Click on Academics; Select Enrollment Verification. Enrollment Verification · Blackboard Student E-mail Self-Service. 2. Blackboard for Faculty – Fayetteville …

What is blackboard and how does it work?

Also, students should remember to keep their belongings in secure places and to report any suspicious activities to college officials. “Together, we can help our campus to be a safer place.”. Public Safety & Security’s Web Page. Main Campus: 910-678-8433. or use the emergency call boxes located around campus.

Why can’t I view discussion postings on Blackboard?

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Why is my blackboard not working properly?

Oct 18, 2021 · Why Isnt My Blackboard Working. October 18, 2021 by Admin. If you are looking for why isnt my blackboard working, simply check out our links below : 1. Common Browser Issues – Blackboard Student Support. Common Browser Issues. Common Browser Issues. The following information may help you troubleshoot some of the more common browser-related ...


How many classes can you miss Ftcc?

A student will be withdrawn from a course when absences exceed 20% of the total course hours, or 14 consecutive calendar days, whichever comes first. Attendance in online educational courses is defined as a graded activity.Feb 13, 2020

How do I access my Ftcc email?

4.1 How to login to Student Email.4.2 Click this link: https://www.faytechcc.edu/campus-life/academic-resources/#email.4.3 Click the “LOGIN TO STUDENT EMAIL” button at the top left.4.4 Enter in your email in the box.Feb 18, 2020

Where should students look for specific attendance requirements Ftcc?

Students should refer to course syllabi for specific attendance requirements. For developmental classes, (level below 100), students must attend at least 90 percent of all scheduled contact hours. If absences exceed 10 percent, the faculty member may drop the student from the course.

Is Fayetteville Technical Community College respected?

Fayetteville Technical Community College Is Regionally Accredited. Regional accreditation is a good thing. Attending a regionally accredited institution is important if you may want to transfer credits to another institution or if you want to attend a post-graduate program.

How do I apply to Ftcc?

Ready to Get Started?Step One: Complete the FTCC application. ... Step Two: Submit Official Transcripts. ... Step Three: Apply for Financial Aid. ... Step Four: Take the Placement Test if Applicable. ... Step Five: Register for Classes.

What is my FTCC student ID number?

You can find your 'S' Number: On your student ID 'OneCard' In your SLCC enrollment acceptance letter that arrives in the mail. You can Retrieve Student Number online.

What is financial probation Ftcc?

Students who are mathematically unable to regain SAP in one semester may be placed on “Probation on Appeal” with an academic plan. You will be evaluated every semester. If you do not meet the conditions of your academic plan, your financial aid will be suspended.

Is FTCC an accredited college?

Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC or, informally, Fay Tech) is a community college in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The institution is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is a member of the North Carolina Community College System.

Is FTCC a good school?

FTCC ranked ninth among large community colleges. More than 1,200 institutions participated in Viqtory's annual survey to determine its 2021-22 list of Military Friendly Schools. Of the participants, 747 schools earned the Military Friendly designation.Feb 17, 2021

Is FTCC regionally accredited?

Fayetteville Technical Community College is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The Commission has authorized FTCC to offer certificates, diplomas, and associate's degrees.

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard allows students to communicate with instructors, submit assignments, participate in class discussions, complete assessments, etc. Each student has a unique username for Blackboard that is also used for campus computer access, Student Email and WebAdvisor. Courses & Enrollments.

What happens if a student drops a course on Blackboard?

If a student drops, changes or adds a course, Blackboard course enrollment is updated automatically the next time integration runs. Students dropping a course after the start date are disabled in the Blackboard course. The student’s id is grayed out in the course, but still visible to the instructor.

What is Ultra Base Navigation?

What is the Ultra Base Navigation? It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses.

Blackboard comments Tips? Frustrations? Share them with other site visitors

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How does a pop up blocker work?

Pop-up blockers work in the background while you browse the Internet. When they detect a pop-up window that may be an unwanted advertisement, they automatically close the window. This can prevent Blackboard from performing properly.

What is the Java language?

Java is a programming language and software platform, similar to Flash, that is required for certain features of Blackboard to function properly. Some of the important features of Blackboard which use Java include:

Is JavaScript enabled in Blackboard?

JavaScript is enabled by default in all supported browsers. JavaScript is a type of programming language used to provide immediate feedback to users via the browser. Much of the Blackboard system relies on JavaScript to generate interactive web pages. For more information on enabling JavaScript on your machine, please select your current web browser:

Do you allow third party cookies on Blackboard?

Third party cookies are allowed by default on all supported browsers. If you experience problems staying logged in to Blackboard, please check your browser setting s to make sure you allow third party cookies. For more information on enabling cookies, please select your current web browser:

Audio and video issues

If you are having issues with your audio or video, please check your session and browser settings.

Audio set up with JAWS

If you are having issues with setting up your audio and video with JAWS, follow these steps:

Application sharing issues

If you see the message that Application sharing is starting, but the screen does not actually start sharing, stop and restart application sharing.

Browser notification issues

If you are having issues with your browser notifications, please check your session and browser settings.
