why doesn't an egg break when thrown at a sheet but breaks when it hits the blackboard

by Yolanda Rau 5 min read

It won’t break because the sheet slows the movement of the egg as it comes to a stop. The law of motion says that the faster you change the speed of an object, the greater the force applied to the object will be. When you change the speed of the egg slowly, like the sheet does, it lessens the force applied to the egg and the egg remains intact.

It won't break because the sheet slows the movement of the egg as it comes to a stop. The law of motion says that the faster you change the speed of an object, the greater the force applied to the object will be.Apr 26, 2012

Full Answer

Why does an egg break when dropped on a hard floor?

3. Ask for two volunteers and one person to throw an egg. Make a big deal out of getting safety goggles, rain jackets, a mop etc. 4. Before the egg is thrown into the sheet, ask students to individually predict what will happen if an egg is thrown into a sheet. Ask them to hypothesize why they think it will happen.

Why can't you break an egg with a sagging sheet?

May 18, 2012 · Well its like trying to break an egg on cotton , will not break because it is hard against soft its like you trying to brake yourself on a bed, …

Why can't you break an egg without breaking it?

Feb 23, 2022 · You are to determine the minimum number of attempts you need in order to find the critical floor in the worst case while using the best strategy. If the egg doesn't break at a certain floor, it will not break at any floor below. If the eggs break at a certain floor, it will break at any floor above.

How can you throw an egg without breaking it?

Feb 23, 2011 · An egg breaks when dropped on a hard floor because the hard floor exerts a large amount of forceon the egg over a very short period of time. In order to reducethat force so that it does not break...

Why does the egg break when it hits the wall?

When the egg hits the ground with a given force, the ground exerts the same force back on the egg. The faster the egg falls, the greater this force is. If too large a force is delivered to the egg shell, the egg will crack.

Why does an egg break if dropped on a hard surface but doesn't break if it lands on a soft pillow?

The egg dropped on the floor stops very quickly, which means the force on the egg is large, so it breaks. The egg dropped on the pillow slows down and stops more slowly since the pillow is squishy, therefore the force on the egg is smaller and the egg does not break.Oct 22, 2007

Why does an egg that falls 2 m and hits the cement floor break while an egg that fall 2 m onto a pillow does not break?

When you drop the egg, it speeds up as it falls, and as it speeds up, it is gaining momentum from the impulse caused by the force of gravity. When it hits the floor or the pillow, it stops due to an impulse in the opposite direction.

What will keep an egg from breaking when dropped?

Possibilities include balloons, popcorn, packing peanuts, wads of paper or cereal puffs. Encase the egg in any of these inside a paper or plastic bag, a sock or a stocking. If you have any bubble wrap around the house, wrapping the egg in several layers of bubble wrap should also provide a good cushion.Mar 13, 2018

Why does an egg not break when dropped on grass?

This question can be answered by thinking of the momentum of the egg as it makes contact with the concrete or with the grass. Note that the concrete is hard, and causes the egg to come to a complete stop in a very short amount of time, while the grass can yield considerably and slow down the egg gradually.

Why does the egg drop on the grass usually doesn't break?

Theory has it that, given sufficient height, aerodynamics will cause the egg to align itself to land on the blunter of the two ends. The egg is remarkably strong in this orientation. As long as it falls onto a reasonably forgiving surface, a lawn maybe, it won't break — sometimes!

What does the egg drop experiment teach?

Egg drop projects help students explore basic concepts such as gravity, force and acceleration. In an egg drop project, the specific details and rules may vary. The general idea is to have students design a container that will allow an egg to safely fall from varying heights without breaking.Apr 28, 2018

What does it mean to drop an egg on the floor?

Dropping and breaking an egg is an announcement of good news. But when the egg is not damaged, or only crack it is considered a bad luck. Superstitions connected with eggs. Dropping the piece of cutlery. If you drop the spoon - expect the guest.

How does an egg crack?

The egg shell is compressed and distorted by the collision, and due to the application of the impact force at such a short time interval, the stresses in the egg shell cannot be redistributed quickly enough for the eggshell to crack under the stress. ...Aug 2, 2021

How do you make an egg unbreakable?

Instructions. Wrap the egg in cling film, place in your palm and close your hand around it so your fingers are completely wrapped around the egg. Squeeze as hard as you can. The egg should remain in one piece.Nov 19, 2012

Can you drop an egg without breaking it?

0:201:33How to drop an egg without breaking it - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBut dropping a bowling ball on your foot hurts a lot more. So keep your carrier light if yourMoreBut dropping a bowling ball on your foot hurts a lot more. So keep your carrier light if your carrier is really heavy that just means you have a lot more force to redirect from your precious. Egg.

How do you throw an egg on the floor without cracking it?

How can you drop a raw egg on a concrete floor without cracking it riddle? The egg can be frozen. The egg could be dropped onto the concrete without the shell cracking. The closer you are to the floor, the slower the egg will travel when it hits.

Where does an egg break?

The egg may break at the first floor. The egg may not break at the last floor. One would be tempted to solve this problem using binary search, but actually this is not the best strategy, and you will see why. Try to work it out yourself and answer this question, or read on to see a detailed explanation of the problem.

What is egg dropping?

Egg dropping refers to a class of problems in which it is important to find the correct response without exceeding a (low) number of certain failure states. In a toy example, there is a tower of. n. n n floors, and an egg dropper with. m.

What happens if an egg doesn't bounce?

If the egg vehicle doesn't bounce, then the two impulses in magnitude are equal! Imagine that dropping from a meter, the egg has the whole meter to speed up to its speed right before impact (so the egg doesn't break just from falling because the force is small).

What is an impulse in an egg?

Share Link. Impulse is the change in momentum of an object. There are two impulses that your egg design will have to deal with. The first impulse is from the drop itself. Its momentum will increase due to the net force applied to it. The next impulse is from the landing.

Why do eggs cushion?

Cushion the egg so that something other than the egg itself absorbs the impact of landing. The largest end of the egg has an area of air trapped between the egg's two membranes. This air space forms when the contents of the egg cool and contract after the egg is laid.

What is an egg drop experiment?

The Classic "Egg-Drop" experiment has been a standard in science instruction for many years. Essentially, students are asked to construct some type of container that will keep a raw egg from cracking when dropped from ever-increasing elevations.

What is the largest part of an egg?

The largest end of the egg has an area of air trapped between the egg's two membranes. This air space forms when the contents of the egg cool and contract after the egg is laid. It accounts for the crater you often see at the end of a hard-cooked egg.

How to absorb impact of landing?

Building an artificial cushioning device will also help absorb the impact of landing. Orient the egg so that it lands on the strongest part of the shell. The arch structure at either end of the egg is stronger than its sides. Pressure is distributed down (or up) the arches so that less pressure acts on any one point.

How to drop an egg without breaking it?

To drop an egg without breaking it, wrap the egg in wet paper towels and place it in a plastic bag of puff rice cereal. Fill 4 small bags with puffed cereal too, then put all the bags into 1 large container. You can also wrap the egg in packing material, like bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or inflated plastic packets.

How to catch an egg in a net?

Catching the egg in a net of sorts can increase the deceleration time and reduce the overall force. If you cannot use an actual safety net, a simple alternative is to use a linen sheet. Stake the sheet at least 1 foot (30.5 cm) above the ground.

What is wikihow wiki?

X. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 87 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback.

How to protect raw eggs from a tumble?

Wrap the egg in packing material. Packing material is designed for the specific purpose of protecting fragile items from bumps and blows. If you have enough of it, this material can also protect a raw egg from breaking after a nasty tumble. The simplest way to approach this is to get heavy-duty bubble wrap.

How to make an egg drop faster?

Make a parachute. If you can design a parachute for the container holding your egg, you can reduce the velocity at which the egg drops. Since the egg is falling at a slower speed, the force of the impact will be much less once it hits the ground. Less force means that your egg might have a chance at survival.

How to put an egg in a stocking?

Place the egg inside this leg at the center of stocking . Tie the egg in place using rubber bands. Tightly pull the stocking leg diagonally through a box, extending it from one upper corner to one bottom corner. The egg should be positioned in the center of the box.

How to keep eggs from dropping?

Mix as many of these elements together as possible for the egg drop. Slowing down egg down as it descends while distributing the force through cushioning can protect the fragile shell more effectively than either method can on its own. If you can change the surface the egg is dropped onto as well, the egg will be even safer.

Homework Statement

an egg dropped on the road breaks, while the egg that is dropped on grass doesnt break...why?

The Attempt at a Solution

im guessing, the time interval for stopping is greater cause the grass slows it down before it hits the ground?

Answers and Replies

change in momentum is force, and force is mg for both situation. i think ur right.