why does dmacc blackboard not work?

by Tad Halvorson DVM 3 min read

How do I log into DMACC blackboard?

Oct 26, 2021 · The assignments on Blackboard are probably postponed. 4 mos Report. Christine Baker, profile picture. Christine Baker. I work for DMACC and … 8.

How do I know if Blackboard Learn supports my browser?

Mar 26, 2020 · Do not click the browser "back" button, only use the Blackboard interface buttons and navigation. Do not open a new window or click on an already opened window during the exam. Do not enlarge or reduce the window during the exam. This will help reduce problems with taking online exams.

Are there any issues with access to blackboard and mymanchester?

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When will a new student be able to access blackboard?

Feb 04, 2019 · The actual course link (s) will not appear in Blackboard until the day before each class's scheduled start date. To get to Blackboard, go to the DMACC Home Page, click the myDMACC Button at the top of the page. Log in with your network username and password.


Supported browsers

Run the browser checker to see whether Blackboard Learn supports your browser.

Analytics for Learn browser support

Analytics for Learn delivers reports and visualizations using third-party business intelligence tools from Blackboard partners, specifically Microsoft (Reporting Services) for embedded reports and Pyramid (Pyramid BI Office) for dashboard building. These products have their own commitments to browser support.

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