why blackboard discussion boards suck

by Dr. Samir Abshire 7 min read

Why I haet Blackboard Learn: 1. There is no mass edit. 2. It’s sticky as all hell. When you create something new (an announcement, test, file, module, -anything-), you get a dashboard with a box for a title and then a box for the text.

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What are discussions in Blackboard Learn?

Nov 16, 2021 · Blackboard Sucks Discussion. November 16, 2021 by admin. If you are looking for blackboard sucks discussion, simply check out our links below : 1. Just need to rant about how much I currently hate Blackboard …. Just need to rant about how much I currently hate Blackboard from Professors. More results from www.reddit.com. 2.

How do I use the discussion board?

May 17, 2021 · If you are looking for blackboard sucks discussion, simply check out our links below :. 1. Just need to rant about how much I currently hate Blackboard … Just need to rant about how much I currently hate Blackboard from Professors. More results from www.reddit.com

Is blackboard really that bad?

Oct 10, 2016 · Blackboard sucks. And here’s why. 1. It’s literally ALWAYS. DOWN. Like for real. If the stuff doesn’t work, why use it? Having to wait until either last possible second to finish homework or have to have the deadline pushed back because of it. 2. Once you turn something in… you can’t fix it. Literally happened to me the other week.

How do I change the status of a discussion board thread?

Answer (1 of 12): It sucks on so many levels. I’m speaking as a student. Every class is configured differently. So some classes you have to turn things in through Blackboard on special links that are buried SOMEWHERE in the class’s site, and other …


Are discussion boards effective?

Discussion boards help to create a social presence in an online course along with a sense of community. Presence and community, in turn, can foster emotional connections. They also improve student learning and can create greater feelings of satisfaction with the course.

Why do blackboard Teachers use discussion boards?

The Discussion Board is an area where instructor and student comments are organized into an asynchronous conversation. Participants can post and reply to others' posts. ... Evaluation tools in Blackboard allow you to monitor student participation. If desired, grades can be entered in the Grade Center.

Why are discussion boards a thing?

The discussion board is the one space built into the course management system where students can see and interact with each other's work. Make the most of that possibility by creating a discussion topic where each student starts a thread that showcases their work during the semester.

Why do colleges use discussion boards?

The ultimate goal of a discussion board assignment is to get students talking to each other. But instructors rethinking their discussion boards emphasize that they play an active role throughout the process. Some students might be shy or reluctant to participate early on.Mar 27, 2019

How do discussions work in Blackboard?

A Discussion Board is an asynchronous communication tool that allows students to collaborate with others through posting or answering questions. Students respond to a discussion board forum topic by creating a thread, or replying to an existing thread.

Can you delete discussion posts on blackboard?

On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible. If you're allowed to delete your post with replies, all posts are permanently deleted.

What can I do instead of a discussion board?

Alternative Ideas for Discussion Boards: Reinventing a Classic Online Class ActivityAlternative 1: Have Only Certain Students Post Initial Responses. ... Alternative 2: Presentations and Responses. ... Alternative 3: Flipgrid/Video Responses. ... Conclusion. ... References:Oct 26, 2021

How do I make my discussion more interactive?

Starting a discussionRefer to questions you distributed. ... Make a list of key points. ... Use a partner activity. ... Use a brainstorming activity. ... Pose an opening question and give students a few minutes to record an answer. ... Divide students into small groups to discuss a specific question or issue.More items...

How can I make my discussion board more interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

What makes a good online discussion?

If you're the first to post, strive to encourage discussion. Get others thinking (and writing) by making bold statements or including open-ended questions in your message. Those who post first are most often responded to and cited by others. Remember to check back and see if and how others have responded to your ideas.

Why online conversations help learners?

In an online course, often students are working alone without interaction with others. ... As a result everyone talks to each other and students don't feel alone. Online discussion fosters collaboration and higher order thinking skills that better prepare students for the type of work they'll find in college and career.Nov 8, 2016

How do you engage students in online discussions?

Nine simple ways to increase student engagement in online discussion forums:Attach Photos, Images, Videos, Tweets, Links, etc,: ... Read All the Posts: ... Respond to Students with a Question, Affirmation, or Feedback: ... Ask Questions and Challenge Your Students to Think: ... If a Discussion Is Lagging, Try Re-Framing the Question:More items...•Feb 22, 2022


Blackboard discussion board You must reply to 2 other classmates Classmate: The War occurred in 1812 me : I agree, the war did occur in 1812


alright I'm never submitting first on a discussion board ever again because the rest of the class is just rewording what I said


College discussion board: Jim: 2+2=4 Me: Wow Jim I totally agree. I like how you added the 2's together and got 4, very insightful.


Hi! I also agree with the thing you said in this discussion board post about the opinion you made up so it sounds like you did the reading!


Is being sexually attracted to someone because of their response to your discussion board post tacky


College online discussion board: Emily : the sky is blue Me: Emily I totally agree with what you said. I like how you used the color blue as a form of imagery to describe the sky that was such a powerful statement you said Emily.


me in real life: ok me over discussion board: Hello fellow student!! I completely agree with everything you stated in your post! Thank you so much for opening my eyes to a brighter and more enlightening future! Have a glorious day :)
